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October 17, 2008

A real national treasure?

Last night (October 16) on “The Colbert Report,” the museum’s director, Brent D. Glass agreed on air that Stephen Colbert is indeed a national treasure. The saga began in January, when the comedian began a quest to have his portrait accepted by one of the Smithsonian’s museums. Colbert bargained with director Brent Glass, was rejected, and then headed over to the Smithsonian’s National Portrait Gallery. The portrait was hung near the bathrooms in the Portrait Gallery for a few months where it was a hit with museum visitors. Last night’s episode picks up where we left off in April, when the portrait was displayed in the National Museum of American History’s “Treasures of American History” exhibition.

Fast forward to the present to find Dr. Glass formally accepting the portrait into the museum’s collections. Watch the reactions when Colbert “accidentally” puts his foot through the painting as he hands the artifact over to the museum.

Have no fear, though, Colbert did not kick through the actual portrait! The original is safe and sound among the other treasures in the museum’s entertainment collection.

We hope you'll join us for the grand reopening festival on November 21st. As Colbert said, “Be There.”

Dana Allen-Greil is the museum's new media project manager.


Every time I walked by the NMAH while it was under renovation while I was on a lunch break or with my with my wife on our way to the jazz garden after work on a friday afternoon (or every time a visiting relative or friend was in town and asking what museum to visit) I would think to myself wistfully, "what about that strange rectangular edifice behind scaffolding?" I never thought to google it until I saw it on the Colbert Report. I'm glad to learn that NMAH knows its (potential, new, etc.) audience, has a director with terrific deadpan, and worthwhile exhibits too!

During the fews days the portrait was on display at the National Treasures exhibit in the Air and Space Museum, I was able to make it over there after not visiting the museum for the last ten years. While taking my picture with the portrait I met other Colbert fans and was able to discuss the portrait with other patrons. Without his portrait at the National Portrait Gallery, I would not have known about the museum despite frequenting the Chinatown/Gallery Place area. I am glad that National Museum of American History will be putting him on display and I look forward to being there during opening day to see the portrait's final home. This is a great way to get my generation to step away from the TV & Internet and discover the amazing collections of the Smithsonian.

Update: The portrait will be on view in the museum beginning Friday, November 28 on the third floor east with other entertainment, sports, and music artifacts.

Update: The portrait of Stephen Colbert is now on view on the third floor west, near Dumbo the Flying Elephant and other entertainment, sports, and music artifacts.

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