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Tribal leaders meet with Coalition Forces
Baghdad, Iraq – Tribal leaders representing five tribes from the southwestern portion of Baghdad Province met with Coalition Forces in the International Zone November 19. The meeting, organized at the request of the Government of Iraq, was intended to foster relationships and provide the community leaders an opportunity to discuss infrastructure concerns related to one of the largest districts in Baghdad Province. Areas of concern included roads, electricity, schools, health clinics, and the region’s suffering agricultural industry. Tribal leaders were unanimous in their desire to see the Karkh Wastewater Treatment Plant rehabilitation and expansion move forward. The project is being sponsored by the Government of Iraq, with the Japanese Embassy assisting in the expansion effort. The plant, located on the west side of the Tigris River, is currently nonoperational, which means raw sewage is entering the river daily, creating health hazards for communities downstream. [USACE Photo]
[Photo Date:  11/20/2008]