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US Department of Defense
American Forces Press Service

Coalition in Afghanistan Kills Six Militants, Captures 12

American Forces Press Service

KABUL, Afghanistan, Nov. 25, 2008 – Coalition forces killed six armed militants and captured 12 suspected militants yesterday during operations to disrupt terrorist networks in Afghanistan’s Kapisa and Paktika provinces.

In Kapisa province, coalition forces targeted a man suspected of being a commander in Hizb-e-Islami Gulbuddin, a group coalition forces in Afghanistan consider to be a terrorist organization. The man is suspected of trafficking large-scale weapons used for attacks in the region and coordinating recent attacks on coalition and Afghan forces and civilians.

During the operation, militants attacked coalition forces with small-arms fire. Coalition forces responded, killing five of the militants and capturing seven other suspects, while safeguarding 11 women and 18 children.

After a search of the compound, forces seized AK-47 assault rifles and other military equipment.

In Paktika province, coalition forces killed one armed militant and captured five others while targeting a man suspected of association with the Haqqani terrorist network. He is suspected of facilitating the movement of weapons and foreign fighters into the region.

An armed militant attacked coalition forces as they entered the targeted building. Coalition forces responded with small-arms fire, killing him. Forces also confronted a militant holding an explosive device detonator in his hand. The militant surrendered.

(From a U.S. Forces Afghanistan news release.)

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U.S. Forces Afghanistan