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US Department of Defense
American Forces Press Service

Franks: 'Much Left to Be Done' In Afghanistan

By Gerry J. Gilmore
American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, Feb. 27, 2002 – Army Gen. Tommy R. Franks today told House Armed Services Committee members that his command "remains on the offensive" in Afghanistan.

The U.S. Central Command commander-in-chief told the committee that the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11 highlighted "the importance of taking the fight to the enemy and maintaining the initiative."

The general added that there is "much left to be done" in Afghanistan.

Franks said ongoing U.S. and coalition operations in Afghanistan are designed to:

  • Gain and exploit intelligence information to pre- empt or disrupt planned terrorist operations;
  • Positively confirm or deny and, if necessary, eliminate the existence of weapons of mass destruction inside Afghanistan;
  • Conduct military operations to eliminate all remaining Al Qaeda and Taliban pockets of resistance in Afghanistan;
  • Support the interim and transitional Afghan governments;
  • Continue to conduct unconventional warfare operations inside Afghanistan until objectives are met.
Franks, quoting President George W. Bush, noted that the U.S military mission in Afghanistan will "take as long as it takes."
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