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US Department of Defense
American Forces Press Service

Nations Unite to Combat Terrorism

American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, Feb. 28, 2002 – From the Arabian Sea to Kyrgyzstan's airfields and the the caves of Afghanistan , the world's military counterparts are supporting U.S. forces in their fight against terrorism.

Australian, British, Canadian, Czech, Dane, German, Russian -- more than 17,000 troops from 17 nations are currently deployed to the Middle East and Central Asia to help combat terrorism. U.S. defense officials say a total of 68 nations support the war on terrorism in different ways. They've assembled to fight militarily, diplomatically, economically and financially. Some have helped openly; others prefer not to disclose their contributions.

In Afghanistan alone, about 6,000 coalition troops are taking part in Operation Enduring Freedom and the International Security Assistance Force in the Afghan capital of Kabul. They make up more than half of the 11,000 non-Afghan forces in Afghanistan. Coalition forces provide personnel, intelligence, equipment and other air, ground and sea assets. Partner nations have also provided liaison teams, participated in planning, provided bases and granted over-flight permission.

U.S. defense officials released the following information Feb. 26 highlighting 25 nations' contributions to the war on terrorism.

Australia deployed Special Operations Forces; C-130 aircraft to provide tactical lift; fighter aircraft to perform combat air patrols at the British base at Diego Garcia; and ships to support maritime operations. Australia is scheduled to soon deploy two KC-135 tankers to Manas, Kyrgyzstan, and the Royal Australian Air Force is slated to fill a key wing leadership position there.

Bahrain deployed a naval liaison officer to U.S. Naval Forces Central Command; sent a frigate to support naval missions in the region and maintains fighter aircraft on alert to provide combat air patrols to protect national and coalition forces in Bahrain.

Belgium led the largest multinational humanitarian assistance mission, which included Spain, Netherlands and Norway. The mission provided 90 metric tons of a high protein food supplement called UNIMIX to feed starving children in Afghanistan.

Belgium deployed an intelligence officer and an operations officer to U.S. Central Command and used C-130 aircraft to deliver a high protein food supplement to Tajikistan and an A-310 Airbus to deliver 250,000 vaccinations for children under the United Nations children's Fund program.

Canada contributed the first coalition task group to arrive in the region. At present 2,259 Canadian service members are in CENTCOM's area of responsibility. Naval forces are taking part in maritime interdiction operations, escort duties and maritime surveillance.

Canada's HMCS Toronto operating in the North Arabian Sea recently intercepted a small vessel laden with 4,500 pounds of hashish valued at more than $60 million. The cargo and vessel, abandoned by its crew, was destroyed.

Air Force CC-150 Polaris and three CC-130 Hercules aircraft have conducted strategic and tactical airlift, moving more than 4.3 million pounds of freight to date. Two CP-140 Aurora aircraft assigned to a carrier task force have flown 44 missions and logged 391 flight hours. Helicopters have flown more than 700 missions. Nearly 700 troops and 12 Coyote armored reconnaissance vehicles have deployed to Kandahar for security and combat operations. Canada will add another infantry company soon.

Czech Republic sent three representatives to CENTCOM. About 250 personnel are deploying to Camp Doha, Kuwait, to perform local training as well consequence management support throughout the region.

Denmark is providing a C-130 aircraft with 75 crew and support personnel and plans call for providing four F- 16 aircraft, pilots and support personnel. About 100 Danish special operations forces deployed to the region as part of a multinational task force under U.S. command.

Egypt sent three representatives to CENTCOM.

Finland has a liaison team at CENTCOM, concentrating on civil military operations. The team is facilitating cooperation and coordination among the International Security Assistance Force, Operation Enduring Freedom and U.N. operations in Afghanistan. About 50 officers are engaged in civil-military operations in Kabul.

France has deployed C-160 and C-130 aircraft to Tajikistan to provide humanitarian assistance as well as national and coalition airlift support. Two KC-135 tankers are slated to deploy to Manas to provide aerial refueling. Six Mirage 2000 fighter aircraft are also slated to deploy to Manas.

French engineers helped construct runways, a tent city and a munitions storage facility at Manas. France also provided airfield security, a field mess unit and a deployable weather bureau. Early in the mission a French infantry company deployed to Mazar-e Sharif to provide area security. A French officer is serving as an air coordinator at the Regional Air Movement Control Center.

France is providing its only carrier battle group to support combat operations in the North Arabian Sea. Battle group aircraft have flown more than 1,500 hours as part of Operation Enduring Freedom to date. France has also contributed about 24 percent of its naval forces to the operation.

Germany has deployed about 2,250 personnel to CENTCOM's area of responsibility, including special operations forces in Afghanistan. The German navy has had three frigates, a fast patrol boat group and three supply ships operating out of Djibouti in the Gulf of Aden since January. A German A-310 Airbus is on alert in Germany for medical evacuations.

Germany has a battalion-sized infantry task force in Kabul as part of the International Security Assistance Force. A German air transport element is supporting the task force operating out of Uzbekistan. Germany has contributed 10 million Euros to help train and equip the Kabul police force.

Great Britain was the first nation to send representatives and campaign planners to CENTCOM. The British deployed its largest naval task force since the Falklands War. They provided the only coalition Tomahawk Land Attack Missile platforms to launch missiles at the start of hostilities. The British government has taken the lead for the International Security Assistance Force operation.

Great Britain currently has 43 personnel at CENTCOM headquarters. A British rear admiral serves as deputy commander for all coalition naval forces in theater. The Royal Air Force has provided aircraft that have taken part in combat sorties, as well as aerial refueling, airborne early warning and intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance assets.

British ground forces have taken part in Operation Enduring Freedom and International Security Assistance Force missions. About 40 Commandos and Royal Marines deployed to Kabul where they've contributed to mine clearing operations.

Greece is slated to deploy a frigate to CENTCOM'sarea in mid-March and is committed to providing a C-130 aircraft in support of security assistance force missions.

Italy provided its only carrier battle group to support combat operations in the North Arabian Sea. The Italians have deployed more than 13 percent of their naval forces for use in Operation Enduring Freedom. Italy is scheduled to deploy a C-130 aircraft to Manas, and has committed personnel to both Operation Enduring Freedom and the security assistance mission.

Japan dispatched three destroyers and two supply ships with about 1,200 personnel to the Indian Ocean where they are providing at-sea refueling to U.S. and British naval vessels. The government of Japan is providing the fuel at its own expense. About half of Japan's C-130 fleet and U-4 aircraft are providing airlift support to Operation Enduring Freedom.

Jordan deployed mine-clearing equipment and personnel to Kandahar and plans to send a planning officer to the Regional Air Movement Control Center. Jordan has also provided basing and over-flight permission for all U.S. and coalition forces. A Jordanian hospital in Mazar-e Sharif has helped nearly 20,000 patients.

Netherlands air force deployed a KDC-10 aircraft to Turkey to conduct strategic airlift for the International Security Assistance Force and C-130 aircraft to support humanitarian assistance missions. A C-130 aircraft is slated to deploy to Manas. Two Dutch naval frigates are currently operating in CENTCOM's area of responsibility. Other naval ships along with air force P-3s will relieve U.S. units in the Caribbean. A Dutch planning officer is scheduled to work at the Regional Air Movement Control Center.

New Zealand deployed C-130 aircraft to provide logistics and humanitarian assistance support in Afghanistan. A seven-person air loading team deployed to support the International Security Assistance Force headquarters and eight officers are scheduled to staff the force headquarters.

Norway deployed mine-clearing vehicles and personnel that to date have been responsible for clearing more than 180,000 square meters of terrain at Kandahar airfield. Norwegian special operations forces and C-130 aircraft also deployed to support the special ops and humanitarian assistance missions.

Poland plans to deploy combat engineers and logistics platoons to Bagram and to deploy 20 soldiers to Kuwait to support CENTCOM operations.

Portugal deployed two personnel to CENTCOM.

Republic of Korea deployed a naval vessel to transport more than 500 tons of critical construction material from Singapore to Diego Garcia. The South Koreans have pledged more than $45 million to aid in the reconstruction of Afghanistan. They plan to soon deploy a hospital to Manas. South Korean C-130s have flown between Seoul and Diego Garcia, and Islamabad, Pakistan, transporting more than 45 tons of humanitarian relief supplies.

Romania is in the process of approving basing and over-flight permission for U.S. and coalition partners and is planning to contribute infantry units, mine clearing equipment and engineers to support Operation Enduring Freedom.

Russia provided the first coalition hospital in Kabul in November. Russian medical specialists treated more than 5,200 patients before turning the facility over to the local population at the end of January. Russia has supported humanitarian assistance operations by transporting more than 420,000 tons of food; 2,100 tons of medicine; 15,200 beds; 1,200 heaters; 13 mini-electric power stations; 780 tents; 11,000 blankets; 49,600 bedding kits; 11,000 pieces of kitchen utensils; and nine tons of detergents.

Spain is slated to soon deploy a P-3B to Djibouti, three C-130s to Manas and two naval frigates to UCENTCOM. The Spanish hospital in Bagram has treated more than 1,000 patients to date.

Turkey was the first coalition partner to provide critical KC-135 aerial refueling support for U.S. aircraft during their transit to the CENTCOM area. Turkey has provided basing and over-flight permission for U.S. and coalition forces. A Turkish officer is slated to work as a planning officer at the Regional Air Movement Control Center.

United Arab Emirates has provided basing and over- flight permission for U.S. and coalition forces. UAE C-130 aircraft have supported humanitarian assistance operations by airlifting supplies into Central Asia.

Uzbekistan has five personnel at CENTCOM headquarters in Tampa, Fla.

Related Sites:
AFPS News Article: Rumsfeld Praises Coalition Contributions In Anti-Terror War
DoD News Briefing - Secretary Rumsfeld and General Myers, Feb. 26, 2002
DoD News Briefing slides, Feb. 26, 2002

AFRTS Radio Reports:
Coalition countries contribute to the war on terror