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military imageTo meet the needs of our changing world, the Army is moving to a lighter, more lethal and deployable future Objective Force. To support Army Transformation, the Corps is providing efficient, effective and timely engineer services across the full spectrum of operations.

The Division is often assigned the mission of cleaning up and disposing of such facilities when they are no longer needed. Under the Environmental Restoration Program, SWD partners with other federal agencies, state and local governments, environmental groups and private citizens. Additionally SWD manages cleanup of hazardous, toxic and radiological waste (HTRW) at military sites within our boundaries under the Defense Environmental Restoration Program. This includes the installations under the Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) and Installation Restoration (IRP) Programs, and at hundreds of closed or inactive ones under the Formerly Used Defense Sites Program. The work includes finding and removing unexploded ordnance and toxic debris, testing and treating soil, and providing services to Army land managers to prevent or minimize damage and restore the environment. Under the Formerly Used Sites Remedial Action Program, SWD also remediates low-level radioactive waste at numerous sites.