FF Cover
National Security and Immigration Policy
by CTC Contributors Donald Kerwin and Margaret D. Stock
After Zarqawi: The Dilemmas and Future of al-Qa'ida in Iraq
by Brian Fishman
The Post-Zarqawi Leadership Dilemma
by Brian Fishman
Fourth Generation Governance: Sheikh Tamimi Defends the ISI
by Brian Fishman
Zarqawi's Death: The Way Forward in Iraq
by Brian Fishman
Zarqawi's Four Hours: Clarification and Ambition
by Brian Fishman
Problems with the Arabic Name Game
by William McCants
The CTC: Educating Future Leaders and Informing Policymakers
by Bill Perkins
How to Think Like a Terrorist
by James Forest
Commentary on Abu Hamzah al-Muhajir
by Brian Fishman
Al-Qa`ida's Spymaster Analyzes U.S. Intelligence
Traducción en Español
A Deafening Silence: Hizballah After the American Invasion of Iraq
by MAJ Rick Wrona
Ansar al-Sunnah demands retribution from Al-Qa'ida in Iraq
Traducción en Español
Implications of al-Qa`ida Declaring Independence in W. Iraq
"The GSPC: Newest Franchise in al-Qa'ida's Global Jihad"
by Lianne Kennedy Boudali

Traducción en Español
"The Trans-Sahara Counterterrorism Partnership"
by Lianne Kennedy Boudali

Trends in Egyptian Salafi Activism
by Chris Heffelfinger
Letter to Zarqawi from Senior AQ Leader, `Atiya
Traducción en Español
CTC Annotated Bibliography of Terrorism & CT Research
Guest Commentary by LCDR Youssef Aboul-Enein, MSC, USN

A Revivial of Sayid Qutb

Three-part study of Sheikh Abdallah Azzam, al-Qa'ida's first ideologue
-Part 1: Leveraging the Soviet-Afghan War
-Part 2: Remedying Muslim Victimization
-Part 3: Defending Muslim Lands

Egyptian Collection on Islamist Militant Groups:
Expose’ of the Writings of Terrorism Scholar Abd al-Raheem Ali on al-Qaida

Ayman al-Zawahiri, A Mythic Figure or Fringe Leader within the Islamist Political Movement:
Highlighting the 2006 Writings of Egyptian Journalist Gamal Abdal-Rahim