CTC Vision

The Combating Terrorism Center at West Point will arm current and future leaders with the intellectual tools needed to defeat and deter terrorist threats to our nation.

CTC Welcomes GEN (r) John Abizaid

The Combating Terrorism Center and the Department of Social Sciences is pleased to announce the appointment of GEN (ret.) John Abizaid as CTC Distinguished Chair. For details, click here.






Recent CTC Publications

The CTC Sentinel: Cutting Edge Research

The Globalization of Martyrdom

Iranian Influence in Iraq: Politics and "Other Means"

Bombers, Bank Accounts, and Bleedout: al-Qa'ida's Road in and Out of Iraq
-Click here to download the AQI personnel records, suicide bomber contracts, financial documents, and personal correspondence cited in the report

Sunni and Shi'a: Differences That Matter

The Power of Truth: Understanding Part 1 of Zawahiri's Press Conference
-Download the CTC report and the original questions asked to Zawahiri

CTC News

12 January, 2009: Dr. Forest to speak at conference on "Shaping the New Administration's Counterterrorism Strategy"

10 December: Two new books released by CTC Faculty

24 July: NPR on the CTC-FBI Collaborative (audio)

30 May: FBI Profiles the FBI-CTC Collaborative

5 May: Brian Fishman on NPR discussing Zawahiri's recent question and answer session

1-2 April 2008 - 28 Cadets from the Terrorism Studies program met with senior policymakers in Washington, DC.

1 April 2008 - CTC featured on Fox News.

28-29 February 2008 - CTC co-sponsored a conference on "Countering Terrorism in Africa through Human Security Solutions" with the Bradley Foundation,, the USMA Program for Conflict and Human Security Studies, and the Jebsen Center for Counterterrorism Studies, Fletcher School, Tufts University.

1 February 2008 - CTC announces the appointment of GEN (r) John Abizaid as Distinguished Chair.

28 January - 1 February 2008
CTC speakers were featured at the annual Army Antiterrorism Conference, held in Orlando, Florida.

25 January 2008
James Forest guest lectured at the University of St. Andrews, Scotland

19 December 2007
The first issue of The Sentinel, the CTC's new online journal, is now available here