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Technology Services, Weights and Measures Division, NIST

NIST Handbook 44 - 2001 Edition

Specifications, Tolerances, And Other Technical Requirements
for Weighing and Measuring Devices

as adopted by the 86th National Conference on Weights and Measures 2000


? Foreword
? 2000 Amendments (2001 Edition)
? Introduction
Section 1
? 1.10. General Code
Section 2
? 2.20. Scales
? Table 3 (Parameters for Accuracy Classes) Insert
? Table S.6.3.b. Numbers 1-11 (Marking Requirements) Insert
? Tables 7a. (Typical Class of Device for Weighing Operations) and 7b. (Applicable to Devices not Marked With a Class Designation) Insert
? Table UR.3.2.1. (Span Maximum Load) Insert
? 2.21. Belt-Conveyor Scale Systems
? 2.22. Automatic Bulk Weighing Systems
? 2.23. Weights
? 2.24. Automatic Weighing Systems - Tentative Code
Note: Please print out the following tables and replace them with pages 59 and 60 in the AWS Code.
Table S.7.a - Page 59
Table S.7.b. - Page 60

Section 3

? 3.30. Liquid-Measuring Devices
? 3.31. Vehicle-Tank Meters
? 3.32. Liquefied Petroleum Gas and Anhydrous Ammonia Liquid-Measuring Devices
? 3.33. Hydrocarbon Gas Vapor-Measuring Devices
? 3.34. Cryogenic Liquid-Measuring Devices
? 3.35. Milk Meters
? 3.36. Water Meters
? 3.37. Mass Flow Meters
? 3.38. Carbon Dioxide Liquid-Measuring Devices - Tentative Code
Section 4
? 4.40. Vehicle Tanks Used as Measures
? 4.41. Liquid Measures
? 4.42. Farm Milk Tanks
? 4.43. Measure-Containers
? 4.44. Graduates
? 4.45. Dry Measures
? 4.46. Berry Baskets and Boxes
Section 5
? 5.50. Fabric-Measuring Devices
? 5.51. Wire- and Cordage-Measuring Devices
? 5.52. Linear Measures
? 5.53. Odometers
? 5.54. Taximeters
? 5.55. Timing Devices
? 5.56.(a)Grain Moisture Meters
? 5.56.(b)Grain Moisture Meters
? 5.57. Near-Infrared Grain Analyzers - Tentative Code
? 5.58. Multiple Dimension Measuring Devices - Tentative Code
? Appendix A. Fundamental Considerations
? Appendix B. Units and Systems of Measurement
? Appendix C. General Tables of Units of Measurement
? Appendix D. Definitions

Previous Handbook 44 Editions

Edition: Resulting from: Link
2000 84th National Conference on Weights and Measures 1999
2001 85th National Conference on Weights and Measures 2000

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Date created: November 30, 2000
Last updated: October 4, 2006

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