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Media Note
Office of the Spokesman
Washington, DC
September 15, 2006

Joint Statement by U.S. - Russia Counterterrorism Working Group

The following is the text of a joint statement by the U.S. – Russia Counterterrorism Working Group:

The U.S.-Russia Working Group on Counterterrorism (CTWG) met for its fifteenth session, since 2000, on September 14 in Washington. Under Secretary of State R. Nicholas Burns and Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Kislyak co-chaired the meeting. The two countries are working together to combat terrorism on an operational basis in key areas including intelligence sharing, law enforcement, weapons of mass destruction (WMD), Man Portable Air Defense Systems (MANPADS), terrorist financing, counternarcotics, and transportation security, among other issues.

Recent U.S.-Russia achievements under the rubric of this group include collaboration in Afghanistan, terrorist financing, law enforcement, transportation security, and counternarcotics. In addition, achievements under CTWG’s aegis include: the third exchange of information on June 30 on MANPADS transfers to third parties; a highly successful International Ministerial Conference on Counternarcotics ("Paris 2") in Moscow in June; and substantive discussions under Russia’s G8 Presidency. Terrorism is a global phenomenon which requires a global response, and the United States and Russia are committed to work together to overcome this problem that threatens all humanity.


Released on September 15, 2006

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