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News Release

For Release: Thursday, November 6, 2008         
Contact: Tom Gorey (202-452-5137)

BLM Waives Recreation-related Fees for Veterans on Veterans Day

The Bureau of Land Management will waive recreation-related fees for veterans and military personnel, along with their families, on Veterans Day, Tuesday, November 11.

BLM Director Jim Caswell, a Vietnam veteran, encouraged veterans and members of the U.S. Armed Forces to recreate on BLM-managed or other federal lands on November 11, saying, "We want to thank the men and women who have served or are serving our country through military service.  This is a small, but special way in which we can express our gratitude and our appreciation to them."

The waiver of entrance and standard amenity fees on Veterans Day applies annually, starting in 2006, to public recreation lands under the management of the BLM, National Park Service, Fish and Wildlife Service and Bureau of Reclamation (all agencies of the Department of the Interior), along with the U.S. Forest Service (part of the Department of Agriculture).

The Veterans Day fee waiver takes place on November 11, even if the federal observance of the holiday should occur on a different day. This year, the federal observance of Veterans Day falls on Tuesday, November 11.

Recreation fee-setting and waiver authority for the BLM and other federal agencies is based on the Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act, passed by Congress as part of a 2005 appropriations bill that was signed into law by President Bush on December 8, 2004.

-BLM –

Last updated: 11-12-2008