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News Release

For Release:  May 14, 2008       
Contact: Jim Jennings (760) 872-5027 

Alabama Hills Stewardship Group Meeting and Community Potluck Set

The next Alabama Hills Stewardship Group meeting is scheduled for 5 p.m. June 10 at the Beverly and Jim Rogers Museum of Lone Pine Film History in Lone Pine. A community potluck will follow the meeting. The public is invited and encouraged to bring a dish to share.

Several members of the stewardship group recently traveled to Washington, D.C., to accept the Secretary of the Interior’s Cooperative Conservation Award and attend a national partnership workshop. 

The stewardship group was recognized for significant achievements in accomplishing environmental and economic goals for the Alabama Hills Recreation Area and Lone Pine community. The goals were reached through the collaboration and partnership of many diverse agencies, organizations and individuals with the Bureau of Land Management Bishop Field Office. California BLM State Director Mike Pool will attend the meeting to thank all the stewardship group members for their outstanding efforts in helping manage the Alabama Hills.

A video of the award ceremony in Washington will be shown along with the presentation stewardship members delivered at the partnership workshop.

The Alabama Hills Stewardship Group was chartered by the BLM Central California Resource Advisory Council in November 2006 to develop and implement a community-based stewardship strategy for the Alabama Hills.  The group has accomplished substantial work in addressing the area’s multiple uses - helping the BLM maintain the area’s ecological integrity and cultural resources, while encouraging sustainable recreation, tourism and commercial filming that benefit the public and the local economy.

For more information, contact Chris Langley, Lone Pine Film History Museum director at (760) 937-1189.


Last updated: 05-14-2008