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News Release

For Release:  August 8, 2008              
Contacts:  BLM - Jeff Fontana (530) 252-5332 or

Navy and BLM to Begin Restoration of Centerville

The U.S. Navy and the U.S. Bureau of Land Management today signed an agreement to begin restoration of the lands at the former Centerville Naval Facility near the community of Ferndale, Humboldt County. 

The Navy will begin demolition of the old buildings on site later this year, beginning with the largest near the cliff overlooking the Pacific.  This work will be accomplished with $3 million congressional funding obtained by Rep. Mike Thompson and appropriated by Congress in last year's Defense budget. 

BLM's role will be to provide protection of the site's perimeter while Navy completes the site restoration work over the next year or two as additional funding is obtained.  Cost of complete restoration is estimated at about $8 million.

The 42-acre site, formerly used as a submarine tracking facility dating back to World War II, presently contains 31 buildings that have fallen into disrepair.  Under the agreement, once the buildings are removed, Navy will transfer the land to BLM as authorized by Congress under legislation sponsored by Rep. Thompson in 2002.  The BLM plans to incorporate the land into its Lost Coast Headlands project, involving about 500 acres of scenic property overlooking the rugged Pacific Coast.   Initiated in 2000, the project is an effort to consolidate scenic lands in the area for public use and enjoyment.  The California Coastal Conservancy, the California Wildlife Conservation Board and The Conservation Fund have been working cooperatively with BLM on the project.
The former Centerville Naval Facility property will be an important part of the Lost Coast Headlands acquisitions, providing the public with new access to beaches and coastal streams.  It will help preserve the area in a natural state, by protecting it from residential subdivision or commercial development. 


Arcata Field Office     1695 Heindon Rd.     Arcata, CA  95521

Last updated: 08-08-2008