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Provincial Reconstruction Teams

As Violence Abates Tikrit Library Sparks to Life

November 3, 2008

Tikrit, Salah ad Din Province -- The reading room in the Tikrit Library was usually empty but for a handful of university students studying or researching.  Now with violence dropping the library is becoming a thriving learning center in the community for students of all ages.

New U.S. Partnership Boosts Iraqi Reconstruction

November 2, 2008

Baghdad – Helping rebuild Iraq ravaged by years of neglect and conflict got a boost recently thanks to a new construction agreement promoted by the Baghdad Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT).

Rule of Law Triumphs over Violence in Iraq

November 2, 2008

Baghdad – The triumph of rule of law over rule by violence was highlighted here with the recent celebration of the founding of Baghdad University’s law school more than three generations ago. 

PRT to help Iraqis Stretch Their Own Project Funding

November 2, 2008

Baghdad – With money literally in the bank thanks to growing oil revenues, Iraqis are increasingly supporting their own development while getting help from Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRTs) to stretch funding through more efficient budget execution.

E-Learning conference held in Iraq

October 26, 2008

Al Kut, Wasit Province -- The first E-learning conference in Iraq was held at the Wasit University College of Education October 8 where professors from Wasit, Karbala, Najaf, Mayson, Dhi Qar, and Babil provinces discussed the role of “distance learning” in the Iraqi college system.

Mobile Health Clinic Takes Root in Rural Iraq

October 23, 2008

Kirkuk – Instead of coping with lingering fevers and other ailments that could eventually kill them, Iraqis in this rural province now have access to timely healthcare thanks to a partnership between the local Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) and Iraqi health authorities.

PRT Furthers Strong Engagement with Iraqi Farmers

October 23, 2008

Muthanna Province – An American agricultural expert and his Iraqi counterpart, a senior Provincial official, were taken aback for a moment as they faced the prospect of “dipping” sheep, something neither had done before.

PRT Hosts Veterinary Program in Kirkuk

October 23, 2008

Kirkuk Province – An American veterinarian, who volunteered to share his knowledge and skills with his counterparts, has tackled an ongoing problem in Iraq -- the hindering effect on Iraqi professionals of years of conflict and lack of contact with the outside world.  

PRT Friendship Market Will Boost Local Iraqi Economy

October 23, 2008

Al Hillah, Iraq – Because of years of neglect and conflict Iraqis have been denied what many in the West take for granted -- shopping for food in a clean and secure environment.  That is about to change in Babil Province thanks to the effort of the local Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT).

Iraqi Children Jumping Onto Global Net Thanks to PRT

October 13, 2008

Muthanna Province – The Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) operating here in Iraq’s poorest province recently celebrated a milestone with the completion of an important phase of its One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) distribution program.

PRT Shares Iftar with Iraqis in Babil Province

October 13, 2008

Al Hillah, Iraq -- To mark the holy month of Ramadan, the Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) for Babil Province recently hosted an Iftar dinner -- a time for renewing old acquaintances and making new friends – for more than 120 Iraqi guests.

PRT Assistance Center Gives Sadr City Residents New Hope

October 9, 2008

Sadr City – The lives of more than two million residents of this crowded district in the capital are improving thanks to recent outreach efforts by the embedded Provincial Reconstruction Team (EPRT) operating on the community level.

The Rebirth of Fallujah

October 9, 2008

Less than two years ago Fallujah was known as a city of death. Notorious as one of the most violent places in al Anbar province, the heart of the violent Sunni insurgency, its houses and businesses had collapsed into rubble, civic leaders were murdered in the streets, and its citizens cowered behind locked doors.

Iraqi Agriculture Officials Visit U.S. Farms

October 7, 2008

Diyala Province – Several agricultural officials from this rural province learned new production techniques while engaging with American farmers and their families on a recent trip to the United States arranged by the Diyala Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT).

Iraq Expands Health Care with U.S. Help

October 7, 2008

Diyala Province -- A brand new Primary Health Clinic (PHC) began operation in Khalis September 28 following construction by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) marking the second new facility to open in Diyala in the past month with U.S. help.

Suicide Bomber Interviewed on Iraqi Radio

October 7, 2008

Diyala Province – Building the capacity of Iraqi media to provide news and useful information is beginning to pay off with innovative programming like Hathara Radio’s recent interview with young suicide bomber Raniya Ibrahim.

Iraq Women Contribute to Security as New Police Officers

September 29, 2008

Ashraf, Diyala Province – The Iraqi Regional Police Training Academy held its fourth graduation since its opening in May and this time a group participated that had been missing from any of the previous ceremonies.  This time the graduating class contained women.

U.S. and Iraqi Doctors Teach Each Other

September 24, 2008

TIKRIT, Iraq—For the first time in years, 24 Iraqi physicians had the opportunity to learn new medical technologies, clinical techniques and life saving skills during the Salah ad Din Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) and the U.S. Army’s 345th Combat Support Hospital (CSH) basic life support techniques course. 

Salah ad Din Provincial Government Recognizes PRT

September 21, 2008

On Sunday, September 14, members of the Salah ad Din Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) were publically recognized and given certificates of appreciation for their work on Governance issues in the province.  At the same time, the PRT officially transferred a new computer program it developed to help the provincial government manage its budget and contracting process.

Southern PRTs Reach and Teach Beyond Iraq’s Borders

September 17, 2008

On August 22, PRT Muthanna’s Senior Agricultural Advisor, Dr. Indu Chandra Ram, led a delegation of senior Iraqi officials from Muthanna and Maysan provinces on a 10-day research trip to India that focused on agricultural development.  The visit was sponsored by the two provinces’ Provincial Reconstruction Teams in cooperation with the Bankers Institute of Rural Development (BIRD) of India and India’s National Bank for Agricultural & Rural Development (NABARD). 

Salah ad Din Investigations Course Graduates Eighteen

September 17, 2008

On Thursday August 28, the TIPS Academy in Tikrit, Salah ad Din graduated eighteen Iraqi investigators from the Basic Criminal Investigators Course.  The four-week course was supported by the Salah ad Din Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT), in conjunction with Multinational Division – North (MND-N), the Provincial Police Training Team, and the 320th MP Company.

PRT Brings Smiles to Iraq’s Most Vulnerable

September 3, 2008

Muthanna Province – Needy children with disabilities and orphans in Iraq’s poorest province had their lives brightened for an afternoon as they received attention and gifts, donated by the American public, from the U.S. Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) operating in the region.

94th Engineer Battalion Makes a Difference for Iraq’s Cultural History

August 31, 2008

Using the latest high-tech land surveying equipment and relying on their engineer expertise, the 156th Survey and Design Team, 94th Engineer Battalion, mapped out the grounds of Saint Elijah’s Monastery for a mission far from the ordinary.  These was part of the latest in continuing efforts to upkeep and restore this ancient ruin for the preservation of Iraq’s multifaceted religious history.  

Cultural Heritage Sites Safe

August 29, 2008

The week of May 17th provided an exciting opportunity for the Ninewa Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) to support Iraq’s State Board of Antiquities and Heritage (SBAH) with an assessment of conditions at some of the most important cultural heritage sites in Ninewa Province.

Baghdad Very Violent Place a Year Ago, PRT Leader Says

August 28, 2008

Baghdad – “This was a very violent place a year ago,” says Embedded Provincial Team (EPRT) Leader Richard Hawkins as he reflects on his experiences working with Iraqis on capacity-building reconstruction projects in Madain, a Qada or rural district on the eastern outskirts of the capital.

PRT Expert Shares Farming, Water Use tips with Iraqis

August 24, 2008

Muthanna Province -- Wayne Marcus, Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) Water Engineer, seems to know everything about water and farming.  A native of Highland, Illinois, Marcus spent his youth working the land and is now determined to help Iraqi farmers increase their yields while expanding water use. 

Kirkuk PRT Partners with Iraqi Authorities to Fight Cholera

August 19, 2008

Forward Operating Base Warrior, Kirkuk Province – The heat of summer arrives in Iraq each year accompanied by an unwelcome health problem: cholera. The Kirkuk Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) and Iraqi Government authorities are working hard in partnership to combat this scourge.

Youth Sports Expands in Baghdad District with PRT Help

August 19, 2008

Adhamiyah -- Sports programs in Adhamiyah had a long history as an important social function for youth long before terrorism and sectarian violence threatened to upend communal activity in this district in the north of Baghdad.

Iraqi Farmers Begin to Chart Own Destinies

August 19, 2008

Baqubah, Iraq -- After years of centralized economic planning, farmers in rural Diyala Province are meeting the challenge of operating independently through innovative ideas and practices spurred by the local Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT).

Anbar Province Safe Enough to Host First Health Conference 

August 16, 2008

Ramadi, Iraq – This city, once a center and byword for violent activity by al Qaeda in Iraq, since the “Surge” of  2007 has become peaceful enough to host the Province’s first ever major health conference.  The conference was sponsored, in part, by the embedded Provincial Reconstruction Team (ePRT) operating in the region.

Iraqi Doves of Peace Get Wings with PRT Help

August 14, 2008 

Diyala Province – Women in Diyala Province have come a step closer to broadcasting their concerns for peace and progress thanks to a collaboration between the local Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) and its military counterpart the 2nd Stryker Cavalry Regiment.

Journalism in Southern Iraq gets Boost from New PRT Chief

August 12, 2008

Muthanna Province – The new leader of the Muthanna Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT), Brad Lynch, is expanding important contacts with local media with visits to their offices while hosting a journalism training session. 

First Ever Journalism Conference Held in al Kut, Iraq

August 11, 2008

Al Kut, Wasit Province – “You are all making history today by attending the first journalism conference in all of southern Iraq,” said Vanessa Beary, Wasit Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) Public Diplomacy Officer at a recent two-day gathering sponsored by her team.  

Baghdad Zoo is New Home to Two Rare Tiger Cubs

August 8, 2008

Baghdad - The Baghdad Zoo is the new home to two tiger cubs that were donated to the people of Iraq by an animal sanctuary in the United States. 

Iraqi National Symphony Orchestra Performs in Baghdad

August 3, 2008

Baghdad -  Goodwill between the United States and Iraq could be heard  literally as Iraq’s National Symphony Orchestra (INSO) performed American as well as Arab music for an enthusiastic U.S.- Iraqi audience at the Al Rasheed hotel July 26. 

PRTs Partner with Iraqi NGO to Spur Economy of Sadr City

July 31, 2008


Baghdad – The teeming Shia district and militia stronghold of Sadr City captured the news recently because of sectarian violence and rocketing of the Green Zone.

Local Iraqi Government Offers Positive Response to Drought

July 25, 2008

Baqubah -- As temperatures soar to near 130 F in Diyala Province drought is approaching a point that threatens humans as well as livestock challenging the planning and implementation capabilities of local water departments. 

Iraqi Children Experience Slice of U.S. Culture 

July 24, 2008

Salah ad Din Province, Iraq – Summer for many Iraqi children is in stark contrast from the block parties and “glad to be out of school” American kids running through water sprinklers in quiet, cozy neighborhoods.

Instead, many of the children in Hamad Al Shab village spend their days peering through a broken chain link fence that separates them from the main highway near Contingency Operating Base (COB) Speicher where the Salah ad Din Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) is collocated with the 1st Brigade Combat Team (BCT) of the 101st Airborne Division.

Northern Iraqi Women Gather to Discuss Nation’s Future

July 22, 2008

Erbil -- More than 250 Iraqi women from all walks of life recently gathered in this northern city to discuss the “Future of Iraq” speaking via a teleconference with the wife of Major General Mark Hertling, commander of Multinational Division – North (MND-N). The Division was a sponsor of the event along with Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRTs) operating in the region.

Changing of the Guard in Iraq’s Muthanna Province

July 22, 2008

Muthanna Province, Iraq -- The leadership of the 2nd Battalion 12th Cavalry Regiment (2-12 CAV) greeted provincial and tribal leaders in a style befitting local custom as the unit undertook security responsibilities in the province from the outgoing Special Troops Battalion, 1st Brigade of the 82nd Airborne Division. 

Schools Open in Baghdad Area amid Improved Security

July 21, 2008

FORWARD OPERATING BASE KALSU – For schoolchildren in the rural areas surrounding Baghdad getting an education has become a difficult, even dangerous prospect in recent years.  Teachers and staff fled fighting while in some cases, the schools themselves were destroyed and looted by insurgents.

Music Helps Spread Democratic Message in Iraq

July 21, 2008

Al Kut, Iraq – Discoursing on the rule of law and human rights does not normally summon a large crowd looking for entertainment, but people here recently swarmed to the al Kut Municipal Theater to hear such a message while enjoying first-rate singing.

Daughters of Iraq Complete Security Training

July 16, 2008

Al Abarra, Diyala Province -- Nearly eighty women sit in the courtyard in front of the Iraqi Police headquarters in this town just south of the provincial capital of Baqubah. They slowly fan themselves in the hot, unmoving air as they sit quietly in their traditional black robes.

New Security Helps Save Date Crop in Central Iraq

June 19, 2008

During the past two years the insurgency interfered with an important agriculture related pest control function here in Diyala Province.  The pest is the Dubas Bug or the Date Palm Leafhopper.  The Dubas Bug has seasonal breeding cycles that disrupt the cultivation of dates. 

Sun Powers Fallujah Water Purification Units

June 17, 2008

The hot, dusty air erupts with shouts and laughter as a young Iraqi man holds a bottle to capture the water splashing from a hose connected to a strange-looking device. They’re cheering in this village just east of Fallujah because that small stream means these villagers, for the first time in more than three years, will have clean, accessible, inexpensive drinking water.

PRT Helps NGO Partner with Kirkuk Government

June 5, 2008

Recently, the Kirkuk chapter of Kurdistan Save the Children (KSC), a youth centered, non-governmental organization, working in coordination with the Kirkuk Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) and the Kirkuk Province Directorates of Health and Education, successfully completed a free prescription eyewear program for elementary school children. The project involved evaluating over 6,000 Kirkuk children in grades 1-2 in over 80 public schools.

Orphanage Visit Brings Smiles to Kids…and Soldiers

June 5, 2008

Samawa, Iraq.  Representatives of a U.S. State Department Reconstruction Team joined the 82nd Airborne to visit an orphanage on June 3rd in downtown Samawah, the capital city of the poorest of Iraq’s 18 provinces.  Eyes widened and hearts quickened as the 40 elementary school-aged children gathered in a classroom to receive donated toys and books from their American visitors.  One 11 year-old girl giggled with delight at her first stuffed animal—a white bear with eyes as big as those of its new owner.

ATM Cash Machine Comes to Iraq’s Diyala Province

May 28, 2008

Baqubah – Customers of Al’Warka’ Bank in rural Diyala province can now get instant cash from an Automated Teller Machine (ATM) because of improved security and an enterprising Iraqi private sector.

Iraqi Civil Servants Learn Computer Skills with PRT Help

May 28, 2008

Diyala Province – Provincial civil servants are gaining confidence and capacity to track and implement resources for development -- made possible with increasing oil revenues -- through computer training provided by the local Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT).

Iraqi Provinces Get Two New US Development Teams

May 26, 2008

Karbala and Najaf Provinces – A new chapter in the reconstruction and stabilization partnership between the United States and Iraq has begun with the establishment of two new PRTs (Provincial Reconstruction Teams) in southern Iraq.

Breathing the Same Air as Iraqi Counterparts

May 25, 2008

Tallil, Dhi Qar Province – Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRTs) working directly with locals are being emulated as successful development models by non-governmental organizations (NGOs) like the United Nations/World Bank’s International Reconstruction Fund Facility for Iraq (IRFFI).

PRT Provides Medical Supplies, Engineer Training for Iraq

May 20, 2008

Al Kut, Wasit Province – The Provisional Reconstruction Team (PRT) in this eastern province recently addressed a critical medical need when it partnered with Provincial Council members to supply 3,000 Blood Storage Bags to the Al Kut Blood Bank.

Securing The Iraqi Province…And The Relationship

May 20, 2008

Combat Outpost 6, Muthanna Province.  Representatives of the 82nd Airborne, Iraqi Police and Highway Patrol units, and the Muthanna Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) inaugurated a new Joint Security Site (JSS) on May 10th to facilitate the flow of information and resources between U.S. and Iraqi forces.

USIP Partners with PRTs to Further Reconciliation in Iraq

May 20, 2008

Baghdad – Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) like the United States Institute of Peace (USIP) are working closely with Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRTs) to bring about understanding and tolerance among tribal leaders thus forming the basis for lasting security and economic recovery.

Seeds of Revitalization Planted at Iraqi Agricultural Fair

May 16, 2008

Al Wahdah, Baghdad Province – The first-ever agricultural fair was recently held in this farming district outside the capital with the help of U.S. Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRTs) and their Coalition Forces partners.

Mozart Comes to Muthanna with PRT Help

May 16, 2008

Muthanna Province, Iraq -- The families of Muthanna are mostly underprivileged, subsistence farmers who were long neglected during the years of Saddam’s regime.  On the United Nations's Deprivation Index, Muthanna ranks last among all Iraqi provinces -- eighteenth out of eighteen.  Unemployment hovers around 60% of the population. 

USAID Farm Program Puts Money in Iraqi Pockets

May 16, 2008

Taji, Iraq – Hundreds of farmers in this rural district outside Baghdad are reporting double and triple production yields thanks to quality hybrid seed they received from the U.S. Agency for International Development’s (USAID) “Inma” agriculture program.

Building Capacity in Iraq One Life at a Time 

May 14, 2008

Baghdad -- In the Intensive Recovery Unit (ICU) of a Coalition Forces hospital in the International Zone, Mahmoud Hassan al-Hadi slowly lowered himself to a chair and handed his crutches to Dan Bisbee, a member of  Baghdad’s Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT). Though clearly exhausted, Mahmoud was equally determined to thank the people around him for saving his life.

In Iraq Music Has No Boundaries, Only Bridges

May 14, 2008

Baghdad – Physical as well as mental boundaries have unfortunately divided people in this country.  But there are influences:  social, economic, and now cultural working to bring people and communities together, including the soothing and healing balm of music.

New Legs for Shahad:  Soldiers, PRT Help Iraqi IED Victim

May 12, 2008

Diyala Province, Iraq -- It is the greatest tragedy of any conflict that children are killed and injured.  And victims like 10 year-old Shahad Abbas Aiez, who lost both legs to an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) in November 2007, are proof that Iraq is no exception.

Popular Iraqi TV Show Makes Big Hit in Provinces

May 11, 2008

Al Kut, Wasit Province - A lucky audience in this town 125 kilometers southeast of Baghdad got a special treat May 3 with a free performance by the cast of the popular Iraqi Television show “Bait al-Teen” or Mud House.”

Air Force Partners with PRT to Improve Iraqi Living Conditions

May 11, 2008 

KIRKUK – Members of the U.S. Air Force serving in northern Iraq recently teamed with the Kirkuk Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) on a project designed to help Iraqis improve waste management practices in the region.

PRT Success in Iraq is Not Just a Big Fish Tale

May 7, 2008

Baghdad Province – Fish and poultry production is being stepped up in agricultural areas near the capital with the help of an Embedded Provincial Reconstruction Team (EPRT) working closely with its military counterpart. 

Iraqi Regional Police Training Center Opens in Diyala

May 5, 2008

Trainees at the Diyala Pegional Police Training Center march in an Opening Ceremonies Parade.

Iraqi Mayors Attend Historic Cities Forum in Chicago

May 2, 2008

Mayors from more than a dozen Arab nations, including three representing Iraq cities, gathered in Chicago April 28-30 for the first ever U.S.-Arab Cities Forum hosted by Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley.

U.S. Sports Academy Honors Iraqi Soccer Team

May 1, 2008

Ambassador Ryan C. Crocker presents Team of the Year award to Minister of Youth and Sport Gassem Mohammed Jaafar.

PRT Helps Introduce New Military Unit to Muthanna

May 1, 2008

Muthanna Province, Iraq -- The State Department’s Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) and elements of the 82nd Airborne Division are engaging in an unprecedented level of cooperation to affect a true reconstruction partnership with Iraqis in this southern province.

Water and Soil Quality are High Priority for PRT's in Iraq

May 1, 2008

Diyala Province – With agriculture one of Iraq’s largest employers, water and soil quality are of prime importance to Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRTs) working to upgrade farmers’ capacities to increase crop and livestock production.

PRT Medical Training Gives Hope to Iraqi Doctors

April 25, 2008

Nasiriyah, Dhi Qar -– Innovative medical training by U.S. military doctors working with Provisional Reconstruction Teams (PRTs) has given to hope to a group of Iraqi doctors long cut off from professional associations because of turmoil in their country.

PRT Initiative Connects Iraqi Students with World

April 25, 2008 

Al Kut, Iraq –- An initiative that would expand the horizons of Iraqis beyond their village, district, province, and even the country itself is underway in Wasit province.

Iraqi Officials Learn of Millions PRT Devoted to Province

April 25, 2008 

FORWARD OPERATING BASE DELTA, Iraq –- Iraqi officials in Wasit Province recently learned that since January 2007 more than $38 million dollars was spent on capacity-building projects in their region by Provisional Reconstruction Teams (PRTs) in cooperation with Coalition Forces.

PRT Kick-starts Soccer Outreach to Iraqi Kids

April 25, 2008 

Muthanna Province -- Barefoot kids and trash-strewn lots describe the state of soccer in this impoverished southern province today.  Even the province’s elite “Soccer School,” the only one of its kind to develop the talents of its most promising young athletes, has no soccer field to call its own.

Iraqi Farmers Invest in Nation’s future with PRT Help

April 18, 2008 

Mosul -- In the middle of a military push against Al Qaeda in Iraq, farmers in Ninewa Province are working across sectarian and ethnic lines to form diverse farmer associations spurring community cooperation as well as bringing hope for economic revitalization. 

PRTs Indulge in Kebab Diplomacy in Iraq

April 17, 2008

Muthanna Province -- Forty local farmers and sheikhs from Iraq’s southern-most province recently joined the Muthanna Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) and its military team members over a traditional Iraqi lunch to discuss agricultural needs of the community.

Sewing center Helps Empower Women in Iraq

April 17, 2008

AL-KUT, Iraq – A women’s sewing center officially opened in Muafiqiyah village April 10, providing both employment and training for local women thrust into the position of bread winners whose men have been killed or thrown out of work by terrorist actions.

Iraqi TV Journalists Learn Skills at PRT Workshop

April 16, 2008

Erbil -- Kurdistan Region television journalists learned new techniques at a two-week training program in March and proved to be excellent students and colleagues, according to the American media expert who helped upgrade their media skills.

Increasing Engineers Target of PRTs in Iraq

April 15, 2008

Wasit Province, Iraq – As Iraq strives to overcome decades of government mismanagement and neglect, increasing the number of engineers is essential to design, contract, construct and maintain the country’s infrastructure, says Roberto Bran, Wasit Provincial Reconstruction Team’s (PRT) engineer development program manager.

Iraqis Gain Cardiac Training Courtesy of PRT

April 14, 2008

Dhi Qar Province -- Twelve medical residents from Samawa General Hospital in neighboring Muthanna Province received cardiac training April 10 in a day-long session led by U.S. Army Brigade Surgeon Colonel Thomas Dove, a cardiologist working with the Provisional Reconstruction Teams (PRT) operating in southern Iraq.

Dispatch from PRT Volunteer in Iraq

April 13, 2008

Mosul -- If it is a clear day you can look out over this city from Forward Operating Base (FOB) Marez and it looks like any other city in any country.  You can barely see the destruction and the damaged buildings caused by terrorists that become evident as you travel through the city of just over two million inhabitants.  

PRTs Mark Earth Day in Iraq with Palm Tree Donation

April 13, 2008

Al-Hillah – Iraq’s reputation as one of the world’s leading producers of dates is being resurrected with the help of a Provisional Reconstruction Team (PRT) that recently donated 1,000 date palm trees to Babil Province.

Rebuilding Iraq Requires Cement, PRTS Told

April 11, 2008

Muthanna -- As demand increases in Iraq’s new era of reconstruction, industry leaders in the cement business are keen to learn more about modern management and finance. They know that rebuilding Iraq requires lots of cement, and they are well positioned to make it happen.

School Laptop Project comes to Fruition in Iraq

April 11, 2008

Combat Outpost 6, Muthanna -- It’s a long way from technologically-rich Cambridge, Massachusetts to Iraq’s poorest war-torn province – Muthanna.  But the distance just got smaller because of a recent agreement to initiate training in both Cambridge and in smaller desert communities to implement the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC ) program.

PRTs Promote the Rights of Women in Iraq

April 7, 2008

Taji -- "Although women have had certain constitutional rights [in Iraq], these often have proven insufficient to permit women to strive for and enjoy the same opportunities and quality of life as men," says U.S. Army Colonel George Phelan, the Rule of Law Adviser and Women' Rights Advocate for Embedded Provincial Reconstruction (EPRT) Team located outside Baghdad.

PRTs Help to Bolster Local Self Government in Iraq

April 4, 2008

Taji -- "Security and effective local government go hand in hand” and are essential for reconstruction and stabilization, says Embedded Provincial Reconstruction (EPRT) Team Leader Thomas Burke.

Burke, a career Foreign Service Officer with the U.S. Department of State, made his comments to Embassy Public Affairs Counselor Philip T. Reeker during Reeker’s March 14 visit to the team's headquarters in Taji located outside Baghdad.

Iraqi Scouts Help to Transcend and Heal Wounds

March 24, 2008

Baghdad -- Members of the Boy and Girl Scouts of Iraq recently paid a visit to a U.S. Military hospital bearing gifts of thanks and consolation for its patients and staff.  Armed with popcorn and smiles, the Scouts treated both Coalition and Iraqi patients to cheer and snack food, called comfort food in America, as they visited treatment wards.

General Petraeus Lauds PRT Volunteers

March 23, 2008

Baghdad – The more than 800 volunteers on U.S. Provisional Reconstruction Teams (PRTs) in Iraq are critical to success in the war on terrorism and to the well-being of the Iraqi people, says Coalition Forces Commander General David Petraeus.

The PRTs were a “very key element of the civilian surge over the course of the past year,” Petraeus said during a recent interview on the Good Morning America television show.

PRTs Help Rekindle Iraqi Entrepreneurship

March 22, 2008

Taji -- "The Iraqis have an entrepreneurial instinct which is at least as strong as ours," says Embedded Provincial Reconstruction (EPRT) member Bill Olds.

Olds, the USAID Representative on the team operating out of Taji, a town in Baghdad District, made his comments to Embassy Public Affairs Counselor Philip T. Reeker during a visit the Counselor made to the team's headquarters on March 14.

Iraq Proves Fertile Ground for Rule of Law Programs

March 18, 2008

Baghdad – Following a year of partnering with Iraqis to improve their judicial system, U.S. Embassy Rule of Law Coordinator Jim Santelle reflected over what he termed the “steady effort” that proved as fulfilling as any work he ever did as a U.S. Federal prosecutor.

Not all Americans serving in Iraq wear military uniforms

March 17, 2008

U.S. State Department employee Sarah Francia was nearing the end of her career and looking for one last adventurous assignment.

"I went to the Middle East bureau that handles Iraq in the department and told them to take me now," she said. "Of course, they did."

Iraqi Women Celebrate Spirited Women’s Day with PRT

March 14, 2008

Dhi Qar, Iraq -- “The hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world.” These words from the famous poet William Ross Wallace are the ones that Shaza Al-Qaisi - leader of a civil society forum - chose to start off a spirited speech in front of 130 people, most of whom were women – at an International Women’s Day event sponsored by the region’s Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT).

Iraqis Get Taste of American Society, Values with IVLP Visit

March 13, 2008

Baghdad – Contacts with Americans left a lasting impression on Iraqis who traveled to the United States recently courtesy of the State Department’s International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP), according to experiences they shared at an alumni reception hosted by the Embassy’s Cultural Affairs Office.

Iraqis “Ambitious” to Upgrade Agricultural Sector

March 12, 2008

Baghdad – The Iraqi government is determined to resurrect the nation’s status as the “Fertile Crescent” and breadbasket of the region while providing jobs for an agricultural workforce hard hit by a neglected and deteriorating infrastructure.

PRT Helps Anbar Province After ‘Long Night of Battle’

March 11, 2008

Forward Operating Base (FOB) Camp Ramadi, Anbar -- The best “good news” story coming out of Iraq’s Anbar Province in 2008 is the dearth of “bad news” stories.  In September 2006, some U.S. military intelligence analysts declared the province completely lost to Al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) and Sunni insurgents.  However, the U.S. troop “surge” of 2007, as well as the rejection of AQI by Anbar’s Sunni tribes, resulted in one of the more secure provinces in the country. 

Dispatch from Iraq: Winning the Peace 
March 10, 2008

One night in April 2007, we boarded the Marine CH-46 helicopter at Taji, Iraq. It had to be a night flight to avoid the possibility of ground fire.  Having just completed our week-long counter-insurgency training, my two-man core team and I were en route to our final destination at Camp Belleau Wood and the 6th Regimental Combat Team located within Camp Fallujah, Iraq.  We would spend the next year embedded with a Marine tactical combat unit, working in partnership throughout the 1,900 square mile battle space known as Area of Operation Raleigh. 

Rx for Iraq:  American Engagement with Medical Community

March 10, 2008

Samawa, Iraq.  U.S. Army doctor Colonel Thomas Dove made history March 4th as the first American physician to address his medical counterparts at Samawa Hospital in the capital city of Muthanna province.

The topic of his lecture to the 30 Iraqi physicians was: “Managing Heart Attack Patients” and according to hospital director Dr. Khalid Kharnoub it was the first time an American had come to address his staff. 

Utica native helps rebuild Iraq

March 10, 2008

Utica, New York - Every time Mary Ann Penree of Deerfield reads an article about the war in Iraq, she thinks of her cousin Phyllis Powers. Powers, a Utica native, has been in Baghdad for more than a year serving as the director of the Office of Provincial Affairs. “She has a very prestigious job and we are very proud of her,” Penree said. “But it does make me nervous.”

Iraqi Women Form Backbone of Family

March 10, 2008

Hawr Rajab, Iraq – With violence appreciably down since Coalition Forces began a surge in operations a year ago, civil society is beginning to sprout with the help of women who have traditionally formed the backbone of their communities especially in troubled times.

Hosting Iraqis the Traditional Way

February 8, 2008

Al Toum, Iraq - local officials, farmers and Coalition Force members now have a welcoming place to meet with each other and discuss development issues thanks to the efforts of a U.S. Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) operating in Iraq’s southern Muthanna province. Political Counselor Matt Tueller, who was visiting from the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, helped inaugurate the guesthouse known in Arabic as a “mudhif”. PRT Leader Paul O’Friel, whose team helped fund the structure, joined the diplomat at the February 5 event.

Iraqi Journalists Gain Skills from U.S. Workshop

January 24, 2008

Dahuk City – Iraqi citizens will soon get a clearer view of the successes and challenges facing their nation thanks to an innovative training partnership between a leading Iraqi non-governmental organization (NGO) and a U.S. Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) aimed at upgrading the reporting skills of radio, TV and print journalists.

Iraqi, American Poetry Reading Bridges Cultural Divides

January 22, 2008

Baghdad -- The power of poetry to transcend politics and bridge cultural divides came alive January 15 at the First Annual Iraqi/American Poetry Reading, sponsored by the U.S. Embassy in partnership with the Iraqi Tawasin Cultural Society.

Highway Official leaving to Help Rebuild Iraq

January 22, 2008

Hutchinson, Kansas – Martin Miller had received job e-mails from the Federal Government over the past few years, but he never opened them.  After all, he wasn’t looking for a job.

Mechanics Training for Iraqi Army Fuels Engine for Change

January 2, 2008

Baghdad – One hundred and eighty-nine smiling Iraqi Jundi (soldiers)  received certificates for the successful completion of a rigorous 10-week mechanics course December 30 knowing they will now play an integral role as engines for change powering their Army.