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Home » Partnering » Materials Science



Partnerships & Licensing Contact:

Laura Santos
(925) 294-1214

Related Info:

Polymers by Design

Materials Science

Sandia’s Materials Science and Engineering Program focuses on scientifically tailored materials. This program capitalizes on Sandia’s expertise in the areas of solid-state sciences, advanced atomic-level diagnostics, and materials synthesis and processing science to produce new classes of tailored materials and to enhance the properties of existing materials for U.S. energy applications and critical defense needs.

Scientifically tailored materials research uses Sandia’s experimental, theoretical, and computational capabilities to establish the state of the art in materials science and technology. We often interact with representatives from universities, national laboratories, and industry to define critical needs and plan collaborative efforts.

Examples of Commercialized Technologies Invented by Sandia:

(Click on the links below to download fact sheets)

Contact Laura Santos at (925) 294-1214 for more information on partnering opportunities with Sandia’s Materials Science group.