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All Topics

The following is a list of early and school-age care key topics that link to related technical assistance tools, organizations, and other resources. Related terms are noted to facilitate your search.

ACF Priorities

Topics of particular concern to the Administration for Children and Families. These topics are targeted for program emphasis, funding awards, research, and recognition.

Assessment & Evaluation

Activities and measures related to assessments that gauge a level of skill, achievement, progress, or quality in individuals or groups of children or adults. The topic also includes evaluations of specific interventions, practices, initiatives, approaches, programs, or systems.

CCDF Administration (aka., Subsidy Administration, Child Care Assistance Program, Certificate Program)

Resources on the implementation and administration of the Child Care and Development Fund, including State examples, comparisons, studies, and policy reviews.

Child Care Arrangements (aka., Daycare Arrangements, Childcare)

Resources are provided on all the settings and auspices where child care takes place, including center-based and home, public and private, for-profit and non-profit, secular and non-secular, and regulated and unregulated settings. Resources also include full-time and part-time programs, the hours that care is used, and the combination of settings or types of care.

Child Care Workforce (aka., Child Care Professionals, Practitioner)

Topic includes information on center-based teachers, aides, directors, and support staff; group and family child care providers; family, friend, and neighbor providers; and relative providers. This topic may also include home visitors, family support, and education coordinators.

Early Learning (aka., Childhood Learning, Early Literacy Early Literacy)

Activities, tools, approaches, and/or initiatives that support learning in young children.

ECE Sectors

Research on the variety of early care and education arrangements, which fall within four primary sectors: public and private child care, State-funded prekindergarten, Federally funded Head Start, and early childhood special education.

Family Support

Activities, approaches, initiatives, and resources that support strong, stable families and foster positive child development.

Financing Strategies (aka., Financing Systems)

Strategies that identify or secure long-term, comprehensive funding for a child care system.

Governance (aka., Administrative Structures)

Resources on the authority and decision-making power for an entity, initiative, or function.

Health & Safety

Regulations, policies, and practices that assure the health and safety of children in child care.

Licensing Regulations

Policies and procedures to protect the health, safety, and well-being of children in non-parental care settings.

Partnerships & Collaboration

Information on formal partnerships and collaborations to deliver, improve, or enhance services for children and families.


Topics related to improvement of services through program enhancements and/or professional development. May involve the attainment of identified quality standards, milestones, or indicators.

Special Needs & Disabilities (aka., Inclusion, Inclusive Child Care)

Resources on child care services, supports, referrals, rates, policies, practices, and research regarding children with special needs and their families. Resources may also include the special needs or disabilities of the parent(s).

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