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Advisory Councils

Parents, teachers, students, administrators, and military commanders share the responsibility to support the schoolsthrough advisory councils and boards. Participation in advisory councils and boards enhances and improves educational programs and services, as well as the overall quality of life shared by all Department of Defense (DoD) American overseas communities.

Dependents Education Council (DEC)
The DEC reports to the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Force Management Policy. Members include general or flag officers representing the commanders of unified combatant commands, major service commands, and the military services. Council members make recommendations on policy matters relating to facilities, logistics, and administrative support provided to Department of Defense Dependents Schools (DoDDS) by the military services.

Advisory Council on Dependents Education (ACDE)

The ACDE recommends programs and practices that ensure a quality educational system to the Secretary of Defense and the Department of Defense Education Activities (DoDEA) Director. Members include representatives of education institutions and agencies, professional employee organizations, parents of DoDDS students, and one DoDDS student.

Pacific Theater Education Council (PTEC)

The PTEC is composed of Pacific Command Army, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Navy representatives. PTEC work with subordinate command representatives to develop programs for improving dependents’ education and recommend helpful initiatives to the DoDDS Pacific Director. The PTEC chairperson also represents the Pacific Command on the ACDE.

Area Advisory Council (AAC)

The AAC meets twice yearly and is comprised of military command, parent, education, and civic organization representatives from Korea Japan, and Okinawa. The AAC advises the DoDDS Pacific Director on educational and logistical issues affecting dependents’ education in the Pacific.

District Advisory Council (DAC)

The DAC advises the district superintendent on matters of interest to the district.

School Advisory Committee (SAC)

The SAC is composed of an equal number of locally elected parents and full-time professional school employees and may include a senior high school student enrolled in the school. The SAC advises its school principal on all local school-related matters, including educational programs, resources, services, and policies. Issues unresolved at the school level may be elevated to the DAC.

DoDDS Pacific Advisory Council Training

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Last Updated: September 2, 2008
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DoDDS Pacific Literacy Project: a three-tiered approach to providing reading instruction so that all children will be successful
Pacifica, SY 2005-2006:
a spotlight on people, places, and programs in DoDDS Pacific