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Pacific Community Strategic Plan Progress Report, August 2005*

photo of people in meeting
photo of teacher at desk
photo of boy with binoculars


Goal 1: Highest Student Achievement
Outcome A—Student Performance and Assessment
All students will achieve or exceed proficiency levels aligned to clearly defined program and curricular performance standards. Individual student progress will be continuously measured using multiple internal and external performance-based assessments
Outcome B —Opportunities to Learn and Citizenship
All students will have access to varied and challenging learning opportunities and appropriate interventions and/or modifications to encourage continuous learning and productive citizens.

Goal 2: Performance-driven, Efficient Management Systems

Outcome A —Resource Allocation/Academic and Student Support Services
An annual budget plan will be designed and implemented at all levels in direct support of the Community Strategic Plan. All appropriate operational levels will have the resources, authority, and accountability to ensure equitable student access to programs and support services necessary to achieve or exceed individual education standards.
Outcome B —Facilities and Equipment
All levels will participate in the development and implementation of equitable plan to identify and schedule maintenance, life-cycle replacement, and upgrades to facilities, equipment, technology, and materials that support an environment conducive to learning.
Outcome C —Safe Environment
All schools will have safe, well-managed, and disciplined environments conducive to learning.
Goal 3: Motivated, High-Performing, Diverse Workforce
Outcome A —Personnel Management Practices
Administrators at all levels will continually recruit, hire, support, evaluate, and recognize personnel in order to retain a highly motivated and committed workforce, who reflect the diversity of the school community, in support of student achievement.
Outcome B —Continuous Professional Development and Training
Personnel at all levels will participate in continuous professional development and training to support standards which enhance job performance.

Goal 4: Network of Partnerships Promoting Achievement

Outcome A —Partnerships
All levels of the organization will develop, promote, and maintain a network of meaningful partnerships and alliances to enhance social, emotional, and academic growth and to maximize resources.
Outcome B —Communication System
All levels of the organization will develop and implement a multimedia communication plan to enhance dialogue and promote trust among staff, parents, students, and the community.
*Information contained in this report represents the status of the Pacific Community Strategic Plan.

For additional information download the Pacific Community Strategic Plan Progress Report for 2004-05
( 205 KB.pdf )

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Last Updated: September 2, 2008
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