U.S. Department of Energy

Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
(RCRA)/Executive Order 13101
for Fiscal Year 1998


as required by:    
RCRA Section 6002 and Executive Order 13101    
"Waste Prevention, Recycling, and Federal Acquisition"    


April 2, 1999    










The Department of Energy (DOE) continued in FY 1998 to promote the goals of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) section 6002 and Executive Order 13101 (EO 13101).

The DOE requires its site operating contractors to follow RCRA section 6002 and EO 13101 requirements pertaining to waste prevention, recycling, and affirmative procurement. During Fiscal Year 1998, DOE sites reviewed additional internal specifications and standards and removed language requiring the use of virgin materials. Pollution Prevention staff at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory developed generic "green" construction specifications for use at sites across the DOE complex.

The data in the DOE RCRA/EO 13101 Agency Summary Report for Fiscal Year 1998 reflect purchases of EPA-designated items that were obtained only through non-federal sources. Because purchases from Federal sources of supply, such as GSA, GPO, or DLA, are not included in this report, the numbers shown here represent only a part of the progress DOE has made in achieving the goals of RCRA section 6002 and EO 13101. Based on Federal supply data provided in previous years, private sources supplied the great majority of DOE's purchases of EPA designated items in Fiscal Year 1998.

The Purchase Data is summarized in two ways (see the following table). First, purchases of EPA-designated items containing recovered materials are compared to total purchases of these items. This yields percentages that reflect the overall effect of federal purchasing on the recovered-content marketplace. In response to the higher price, lack of availability, or lower quality in some regions of the recovered-content versions of EPA-designated items, there is also a comparison of "justified" numbers.

In FY 1998, of the $ 31.7 million of EPA-designated items purchased by the DOE from non-Federal sources, 57 percent contained recovered content. When the virgin-content purchases allowable by RCRA are excluded from the calculations, the Justified Total drops to $ 21.3 million. The Justified percent of purchases containing recovered materials rises to 85 percent. For five different EPA-designated items, 99 to 100 percent of DOE non-Federal purchases were of the recovered-content versions in FY 1998 (see the following table ).

The DOE EO 13101 quarterly teleconferences have been renewed to expedite and simplify exchanges of important information between sites. This has been especially helpful in sharing both positive and negative experiences on a variety of performance and availability issues for certain EPA-designated items. DOE showed improvement in all areas except in the purchase of tires and floor tiles. The total purchases of these products represents almost 5 percent of DOE's total purchases of EPA-designated items during Fiscal Year 1998. More education will be done in these areas.



Date Due: April 12, 1999                        

Date Prepared: April 2, 1999                  



Agency Report for Fiscal Year 1998

Agency or Department:           Department of Energy
Agency Contact:       Dan Reicher
        Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency and
   Renewable Energy
        Environmental Executive
Staff Contact:       Susan Weber
        Office of Pollution Prevention (EM-77)
        Office of Site Operations
Telephone Number:       301-903-1388
E-Mail Address:       susan.weber@em.doe.gov


I. EPA Guideline Items

  1. Cement and Concrete Products containing fly ash and cement and concrete products containing granulated blast furnace slag (slag).

    * The DOE does not track cement separately from concrete.

    1. Total amount of cement purchased and/or used by your agency in FY   1998
        Without fly ash or slag $___________ and/or ________ cubic yards
        With fly ash or slag $___________ and/or________ cubic yards

    2. Total amount of concrete purchased and/or used by your agency in FY   1998
        Without fly ash or slag   $ 3,505,743 and/or 27,976 cubic yards
        With fly ash or slag   $ 2,929,203 and/or 29,659 cubic yards

    3. Were there technical impediments to increasing the amount of concrete and cement containing fly ash and granulated blast furnace slag purchased by your agency in FY 1998?   yes   (If yes, please attach an explanation of the technical impediment.)
    4. HEADS UP: We are considering incorporating total number of contracts for construction and purchase of cement and concrete with fly ash or slag and without fly ash or slag into FY 99 reporting.

  2. Paper and Paper Products. GSA and GPO will provide data for agencies' purchases of paper products made through their retail and wholesale stock program. However, please provide amounts for agency purchases from any other sources.

    1. Total dollar amount of paper and paper products purchased by your agency from sources other than GSA and GPO in FY 1998:   $ 15,310,692
    2. Total dollar amount of paper and paper products containing recycled material purchased by your agency from sources other than GSA and GPO in FY 1998:   $ 10,466,440

  3. Motor Vehicle Lubricating Oils. DLA will provide data for agencies' purchases of oil through their program. However, please provide amounts for agency purchases from other sources.

    1. Total amount of motor vehicle lubricating oil purchased by your agency in FY 1998:   $ 311,994 (If your vehicle maintenance is accomplished through service contracts that include a standard price for vehicle servicing, report the total number of servicing(s) rather than the dollar value.)
    2. Total dollar amount of motor vehicle lubricating oils containing re-refined oil purchased by your agency in FY 1998:   $ 156,551 (If your vehicle maintenance is accomplished through service contracts that include a standard price for vehicle servicing, report the total number of services where the vehicle was serviced with re-refined oil rather than the dollar value.)
    3. Were there any technical impediments to increasing the amount of motor vehicle lubricating oils containing re-refined oil purchased by your agency in FY 1998? Yes (If yes, please attach an explanation of the technical impediment.)

  4. Retread Tires. Refer to the Federal Supply Schedule for Pneumatic Tires, FSC Group 26, Part II, Section A for items covered by this guideline.

    TACOM will provide data for agencies' purchases of retreads for tactical vehicles.

    1. Total dollar amount of tires purchased by your agency in FY 1998:   $ 1,333,109
    2. Total number of tires purchased by your agency in FY 1998:   12,579
    3. Total dollar amount of retread tires purchased by your agency in FY 1998:   $ 81,748
    4. Total number of retread tires purchased by your agency in FY 1998:   691
    5. Were there any technical impediments to increasing the amount of retread tires purchased by your agency in FY 1998? Yes (If yes, please attach an explanation of the technical impediment.)

  5. Building Insulation Products.

    1. Total dollar amount of building insulation products purchased by your agency in FY 1998:   $ 313,634
    2. Total dollar value of building insulation products containing recycled materials purchased by your agency in FY 1998:   $ 208,836
    3. Were there any technical impediments to increasing the amount of building insulation products containing recycled materials purchased by your agency in FY 1998? Yes (If yes, please attach an explanation of the technical impediment.)

    HEADS UP: We are considering incorporating total number of contracts for construction and purchase of building insulation products and building insulation products containing recycled materials into FY 99 reporting.

  6. Engine Coolants.

    * DOE did not collect this data for FY1998. Data shown reflects FY97 data.

    1. For agencies that maintain fleet maintenance facilities, how many fleet maintenance facilities do you operate? 34
    2. How many vehicles are maintained? 9,450
    3. How many of your fleet maintenance facilities own and operate anti-freeze recycling equipment? 11

  7. Structural Fiberboard and Laminated Paperboard.

    1. Total dollar amount of structural fiberboard and laminated paperboard purchased by your agency in FY 1998:   $ 73,180
    2. Total dollar amount of structural fiberboard and laminated paperboard containing recycled materials purchased by your agency in FY 1998:   $ 73,180
    3. Were there technical impediments to increasing the amount of recycled materials for structural fiberboard and laminated paperboard purchased by your agency in FY 1998? No (If yes, please attach an explanation of the technical impediments.)

    HEADS UP: We are considering incorporating total number of contracts for construction and purchase of structural fiberboard and laminated paperboard and total number of contracts for construction and purchase of structural fiberboard and laminated paperboard containing recycled content material into FY 99 reporting.

  8. Carpet (low and medium wear polyester fiber only).

    Provide any pertinent information to demonstrate your agency's compliance/commitment to purchasing carpet (low and medium wear polyester fiber) in FY 1998. This information could include dollars spent, number of contracts, policies issued, pilot projects, etc.

      Total dollars spent on carpet:  $ 569,366
      Dollars spent on carpet with recovered materials:  $ 173,825

  9. Floor Tiles (rubber or plastic only)

    Provide any pertinent information to demonstrate your agency's compliance/commitment to purchasing floor tiles (rubber or plastic only) in FY 1998. This information could include dollars spent, number of contracts, policies issued, pilot projects, etc.

      Total:  $ 244,236
      Recovered-content:   $ 37,175

  10. Patio Blocks (rubber or plastic only)

    Provide any pertinent information to demonstrate your agency's compliance/commitment to purchasing patio blocks (rubber or plastic only) in FY 1998. This information could include dollars spent, number of contracts, policies issued, pilot projects, etc.

    No Patio Block purchases reported.

  11. Traffic Cones and Traffic Barricades (rubber or plastic only).

    GSA will provide data for agencies' purchases of traffic cones and traffic barricades and those with recycled materials. However, please provide amounts for agencies' purchases from any other sources.

    1. Total dollar amount of traffic cones and traffic barricades purchased by your agency in FY 1998:   $ 52,950
    2. Total dollar amount of traffic cones and traffic barricades with recycled content purchased by your agency in FY 1998:   $ 45,118

  12. Playground Surfaces and Running Tracks (rubber or plastic only).

    Provide any pertinent information to demonstrate your agency's compliance/commitment to purchasing playground surfaces and running tracks (rubber or plastic only) in FY 1998. This information could include dollars spent, number of contracts, policies issued, pilot projects, etc.

    No Recreational Product purchases reported.

  13. Hydraulic Mulch (paper-based and wood -based used for hydro seeding and over spray for straw) and compost (yard trimmings)

    Provide any pertinent information to demonstrate your agency's compliance/commitment to purchasing hydraulic mulch and compost in FY 1998. This information could include dollars spent, number of contracts, policies issued, pilot projects, etc.

      Total:   $ 3,391
      Recovered-content:   $ 3,391

  14. Office Recycling and Waste Containers (plastic, paper or steel).

    Provide any pertinent information to demonstrate your agency's compliance/commitment to purchasing office recycling and waste containers (plastic, paper or steel) in FY 1998. This information could include dollars spent, number of contracts, policies issued, pilot projects, etc.

      Total:   $ 247,662
      Recovered-content:   $ 139,848

  15. Plastic Desktop Accessories

    GSA will provide data for agencies' purchases of desktop accessories and plastic desktop accessories. However, please provide amounts for agency purchases from any other source.

      Total dollar amount of desktop accessories purchased by your agency in FY 1998:  $ 151,000
      Total dollar amount of recycled content plastic desktop accessories purchased by your agency in FY 1998:  $ 57,433

  16. Toner Cartridges

    GSA and DLA will provide data for agencies' purchases of toner cartridges and recycled toner cartridges. However, please provide amounts for agency purchases from other sources.

    1. Total dollar amount of toner cartridges purchased by your agency in FY 1998:  $ 4,259,625
    2. Total dollar amount of recycled toner cartridges purchased by your agency in FY 1998:
      $ 2,541,131
    3. Total number of toner cartridges:   54,748
    4. Number of cartridges containing recovered material:   34,465

  17. Binders (chipboard and plastic covered, not cloth)

    GSA will provide data for agencies' purchases of binders and chipboard and plastic covered binders. However, please provide amounts for agency purchases from any other source.

    1. Total dollar amount of binders purchased by your agency in FY 1998:
      $ 1,166,926
    2. Total dollar amount of recycled content chipboard and plastic covered binders in FY 1998:
      $ 378,971

  18. Plastic Trash Bags.

    Provide any pertinent information to demonstrate your agency's compliance/commitment to purchasing plastic trash bags in FY 1998. This information could include dollars spent, number of contracts, policies issued, pilot projects, etc.

      Total:   $ 1,203,542
      Recovered-content:   $ 936,190

II.  Specifications.   RCRA, Section 6002 (d) requires that Federal activities that have responsibility for preparing specifications: review them to eliminate unnecessary requirements for the use of virgin materials and prohibitions against using recovered materials; and add preferences for recovered materials.

  1. Does your agency have responsibility or control over a particular Federal supply class or group of specifications or standards?
  2. How many product specifications, standards, Commercial Item Descriptions (CIDs), product descriptions or similar documents does your agency control? Number 1056
  3. How many such documents have been reviewed in FY 1998?
    Number 392
  4. How many documents were modified in FY 1998 to remove the requirements for the use of virgin materials? Number 13
  5. How many documents were modified in FY 1998 to remove references of language prohibiting the use of recovered materials?
    Number 0
  6. How many documents were modified in FY 1998 to add preferences for recovered materials? Number 74
  7. Does your agency have a policy to remove the requirements for virgin materials and add preferences for recovered materials to these service contracts? (I.e. including the use of re-refined oil in your vehicle service contracts). Yes
  8. If your agency does have a policy like the above, please provide a copy to us.
  9. * Please refer to DOE Acquisition Regulation, "Acquisition and Use of Environmentally Preferable Products and Services," (48 CFR Parts 923 and 970).

  10. If your agency does not have a policy, please provide an explanation.

III.  Solid Waste Prevention

Please report solid waste prevention efforts for facilities for which your agency is responsible.

  1. Did you institute new solid waste prevention practices in FY 1998?

  2. If the response is Yes, please provide an explanation of those practices.

    Pollution Prevention staff at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory developed generic "green" construction specifications during FY 1998. Training has been provided to other DOE sites on the new green Master Specifications.

  3. If the response is No, please provide an explanation of why not.

IV. Recycling.

  1. What percentage of the offices/sites operated by your agency have an active office products recycling program? 50 Percent

  2. What percentage of residential housing operated by your agency have an active household products recycling program? Not applicable

  3. What percentage of demolition projects managed by and/or contracted by your agency includes the recovery of construction materials? 74 Percent

  4. What is the total dollar value of all recycled materials recovered by your agency in FY 1998?
    $ 1,964,842

  5. How were those dollars captured and utilized?

    Numerical data not captured for FY 1998. However, revenue from recycling and waste prevention programs were used for employee training, recycling programs, and other on-site and community outreach programs.

  6. What percentage of your total solid waste was diverted to recycling? Calendar year 1997: 44 Percent

  7. What savings were realized through cost avoidances, i.e. hauling, tipping, and landfill.

    Numerical data not captured for FY 1998.

Technical Impediments

Cement and Concrete

Re-refined Oil

Retread Tires

Building Insulation

Structural Fiberboard and Laminated Paperboard