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Fact Sheet
Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs
Washington, DC
August 17, 2004

U.S. Assistance to Turkmenistan - Fiscal Year 2004

The Turkmenistan assistance program seeks to support the next generation of leaders and citizens who are willing and able to participate in civil society. In Fiscal Year 2004, the estimated $10.4 million budgeted by all U.S. Government agencies for assistance programs in Turkmenistan is allocated roughly as follows based on information available as of the date of this fact sheet:

Democracy Programs $4.2 million
Economic & Social Reform $4.5 million
Security & Law Enforcement $1.1 million
Humanitarian Assistance $0.2 million
Cross Sectoral Initiatives $0.4 million

Democracy programs in Turkmenistan support civil society, public advocacy, and the rule of law. Funding to civil society centers provides training, grants, and technical assistance to indigenous non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and community groups. Small grants programs promote civil society and education, advocacy, community development, women’s and minority rights, independent media, human rights, and freedom of speech. In addition, the legal information center at Turkmen State University is expanding its legal seminars and clinics to include more law student participants.

Training and exchange programs seek to create a cadre of reform-minded, action-oriented citizens by giving the next generation of leaders first-hand experience with the day-to-day functioning of a market-based, democratic system. Last year, the U.S. Government sent over 110 Turkmen citizens to the United States on academic and professional exchange programs. Since 1993, the U.S. Government has funded the travel of some 1,380 Turkmen citizens to the United States on these programs. Cooperation continues with the American University of Central Asia in the Kyrgyz Republic to provide scholarships for promising undergraduate students from Turkmenistan.

U.S. assistance programs in health strengthen the delivery and management of social services. The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) supports training for family doctors and nurses to improve diagnostic skills and reduce mortality due to diarrhea, malnutrition, and acute respiratory infections. The Keeping Children Healthy Campaign informs rural parents of better health practices for their families and children. Infectious disease programs aim to reduce the spread of and improve treatment for tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS. U.S. assistance for social services also works to counteract the deterioration of the education system through a limited basic education program that promotes interactive teaching methods and encourages parental involvement in schools.

Market reform programs focus on small business development and natural resource management. Economic development programs provide technical assistance and training to entrepreneurs, agricultural producers, and trade associations. The U.S. Government also provides seminars on international accounting standards for business managers and entrepreneurs. The Government of Turkmenistan is participating in a water resource management program to establish a communication system to collect and distribute hydrological data throughout the region. Additionally, a new program will help local water users’ associations improve water management and efficiency.

Turkmenistan lies along historic trade and smuggling routes that run between the North Caucasus, Southwest Asia, and Afghanistan. Security assistance aims to prevent the trafficking and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction along these routes. The U.S. Government is providing equipment and U.S.-based training to meet non-proliferation goals, and our Export Control and Related Border Security Assistance program continues to improve Turkmen prevention capabilities against weapons proliferation and other illicit trafficking.

Law enforcement training and technical assistance address the flow of narcotics in the region through programs such as the creation of a forensics lab for use in counter-narcotics investigations. Collaborative efforts between the U.S. Government and the UN Office on Drugs and Crime provide equipment and training to better combat drug trafficking and smuggling along the border with Afghanistan. The U.S. Embassy also works to engage the Government of Turkmenistan in efforts to combat trafficking in persons.

Humanitarian programs are limited to the provision of humanitarian commodities through the Department of State Humanitarian Transport Program. This program, which will be phased out by the end of FY 2004, provides approximately $250,000 in donated medical supplies, food, and clothing to the most needy people.

Additionally, 78 Peace Corps volunteers are working in the areas of English education and health.

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