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Homeland Security 5 Year Anniversary 2003 - 2008, One Team, One Mission Securing the Homeland

NSPD 41/HSPD 13 National Strategy for Maritime Security Supporting Plans

NSPD 41/HSPD 13 Main >> Supporting Plans  

The President and the Secretaries of Homeland Security, Defense and State approved supporting plans in October 2005. A team representing more than 20 government agencies contributed to the development of the Strategy and its supporting plans. Working groups for the Maritime Commerce Security, Maritime Transportation Systems Security and Maritime Infrastructure Recovery plans also sought public and private sector insight to ensure that those plans reflected maritime industry concerns and knowledge.

Although the implementation plans address different aspects of maritime security, they are mutually linked and reinforce each other. Together, National Strategy for Maritime Security and its supporting plans represent the beginning of a comprehensive national effort to promote global economic stability and protect legitimate activities, while preventing hostile or illegal acts within the maritime domain.

  • The National Plan to Achieve Maritime Domain Awareness lays the foundation for an effective understanding of anything associated with the maritime domain that could impact the security, safety, economy, or environment of the United States, and identifying threats as early and as distant from our shores as possible.
  • Maritime Transportation System Security Plan responds to the President's call for recommendations to improve the national and international regulatory framework regarding the maritime domain.
  • Maritime Commerce Security Plan establishes a comprehensive plan to secure the maritime supply chain.
  • Maritime Infrastructure Recovery Plan recommends procedures and standards for the recovery of the maritime infrastructure following attack or similar disruption.
  • International Outreach and Coordination Strategy provides a framework to coordinate all maritime security initiatives undertaken with foreign governments and international organizations, and solicits international support for enhanced maritime security.
  • Global Maritime Intelligence Integration Plan uses existing capabilities to integrate all available intelligence regarding potential threats to U.S. interests in the maritime domain.
  • Maritime Operational Threat Response Plan aims for coordinated United States Government response to threats against the United States and its interests in the maritime domain by establishing roles and responsibilities that enable the government to respond quickly and decisively.
  • Domestic Outreach Plan engages non-Federal input to assist with the development and implementation of maritime security policies resulting from NSPD-41/HSPD-13.

This page was last reviewed/modified on March 26, 2008.