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Homeland Security 5 Year Anniversary 2003 - 2008, One Team, One Mission Securing the Homeland

DHS Receives $2.4 Billion Increase for 2006 Appropriations

Release Date: 10/18/05 00:00:00

For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
Contact: 202-282-8010
October 18, 2005

Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff applauded increased funding and changes to the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) organization during a ceremony at the White House where President Bush signed the FY 2006 Homeland Security Appropriations Act. In addition to certain organizational adjustments, the Department’s FY 2006 Appropriations provides increased funding for 1,000 new Border Patrol Agents, greater explosive detection technology across transportation networks, and an integrated Preparedness Directorate to enhance coordination and deployment of preparedness assets and training.

The Department of Homeland Security FY 2006 Budget includes more than $30.8 billion in net discretionary spending -- a 4.7 percent increase over FY 2005. In total, with mandatory and fee-based programs, the DHS budget for FY 2006 is $40.6 billion.

Strengthening Border Security and Interior Enforcement

  • Customs and Border Protection will receive $5.95 billion in direct funding to strengthen border security with additional personnel, technology and infrastructure including 1,000 new Border Patrol agents and $270 million for construction including $35 million to complete the San Diego Border Infrastructure System and $35 million for other infrastructure needs within the Tucson Sector. Consistent with CBP’s proposed consolidation, the appropriators combined all CBP Air assets into a single appropriation. The bill provides approximately $400 million in this appropriation, including $14 million for covert aircraft and $14.8 million for Northern Border Airwing.

  • Within Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the bill provides a total of $3.9 billion in direct appropriations and fees. Significant increases in funding were provided for detention beds ($90 million), Special Agents ($42 million), fugitive operations teams ($16 million) and Immigration Enforcement Agents ($9 million).

Increasing Overall Preparedness and Response

  • The FY 2006 Appropriations Act provides $4.0 billion for a Preparedness Directorate to enhance coordination and deployment of preparedness assets facilitate grants and oversee nationwide preparedness efforts supporting first responder training, citizen awareness, public health, and critical planning functions to build capacity, protect critical infrastructure, and strengthen cyber systems. Grant funding provided through this Directorate includes $1.155 billion for high-density urban areas, $550 million for basic formula grants, $400 million for law enforcement terrorism prevention grants, $655 million for firefighter assistance grants and $185 million for emergency management performance grants.

  • The Federal Law Enforcement Training Center will receive $282 million to train federal law enforcement personnel and construct additional training facilities to accommodate the increased number of Border Patrol and Immigration Enforcement Agents that need to be trained.

Enhancing Technology and Detection Capabilities

  • The Appropriations Act provides a total of $5.9 billion for the Transportation Security Administration, including $443 million for explosive detection technology. As a result of this legislation, the funding to support the Federal Air Marshals was transferred to TSA as proposed in the Second Stage Review recommendations.

  • The Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) is funded at $1.5 billion, which includes $110 million for counter man pads research. The bill also provides $23 million for the National Bio and Agrodefense Facility (NBAF) and consolidates research and development funds within S&T.

  • The Domestic Nuclear Detection Office is funded at $318 million to better secure the nation from radiological and nuclear threats.

Strengthening Department Assets and Operations

  • FY 2006 Appropriations provides a total of $6.8 billion for the U.S. Coast Guard including $933.1 million of the Coast Guard’s Integrated Deepwater program.

Second Stage Review

Earlier this year, Secretary Chertoff outlined a new six-point agenda designed to better equip DHS employees with the right tools to more effectively accomplish their mission and to ensure that the Department is aligned in the best possible way to address potential threats -- both present and future -- that face our nation. The FY 2006 Homeland Security Appropriations Act adopts many of the organization changes proposed in the 2SR process including:

  • Creating an Office of Intelligence and Analysis to be led by a Chief Intelligence Officer by separating out and elevating the Information Analysis component of IAIP.  

  • Integrating the Department’s existing preparedness efforts, including planning, training, exercising, and funding into a single Preparedness Directorate.

  • Establishing an Operations Office, which will include the Homeland Security Operations Center.

  • Establishing the Office of Policy and the Office of Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs.


This page was last reviewed/modified on 10/18/05 00:00:00.