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Homeland Security 5 Year Anniversary 2003 - 2008, One Team, One Mission Securing the Homeland

U.S. Department of Homeland Security Completes Environmental Review for the National Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center

Release Date: 02/02/05 00:00:00

For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
Contact: 202-282-8010
February 2, 2005

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security today announced another important step towards a safer America by completing an environmental review for the National Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center (NBACC) facility at Fort Detrick in Frederick, Maryland.  The NBACC facility, managed by Homeland Security’s Science & Technology directorate, will strengthen America’s ability to defend against biological terrorism by addressing the need for scientific research to better anticipate, prevent, and mitigate the consequences of biological attacks. Completing this environmental review and implementing its recommendations are part of an ongoing approach of engagement and cooperation with the Ft. Detrick and Frederick, Maryland, communities.  

“From early warning systems to rigorous countermeasures, Science & Technology is focused on strengthening America’s protection and response resources,” said Dr. Charles McQueary, Under Secretary for Science & Technology. “Today’s announcement is an important milestone in fulfilling the requirements of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 and of the vision President Bush detailed in the report, ‘Biodefense in the 21st Century,’ to build defensive research and attribution capabilities.”

Following the completion of the environmental review, Homeland Security’s Director of the Office of Research and Development, Dr. Maureen McCarthy, and U.S. Army Garrison Deputy Installation Commander, Colonel John Ball, signed a Record of Decision (ROD) to construct and operate the NBACC facility at Fort Detrick, following public comment periods and an eight-month review of the potential environmental impacts of the facility, as required by law.  

Today’s announcement is based on the review and detailed consideration of potential environmental impacts identified in assessments, public comments, and congressional intent. The Department held two formal public meetings during the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) process and solicited written comments during the development of the both the Draft and Final EIS. All public comments on the proposed construction of the NBACC facility were responded to in writing in all EIS documents that were provided directly to all interested parties and the general public. NBACC leadership has also participated in public community forums and other meetings with community members.  NBACC leadership will continue to regularly participate in public community meetings and public dialogues as plans for the facility move forward.  

The NBACC facility will be located at the new National Interagency Biodefense Campus (NIBC) at Fort Detrick, Frederick, Maryland.  The NIBC campus, including laboratory facilities belonging to the Department of Defense (DoD), the Department of Agriculture (USDA), and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), offers many advantages for enhancing scientific collaboration and leveraging available resources, including proximity to other Federal agencies and policy makers.

It is anticipated that an architectural and engineering (A&E) contract will be awarded in the spring of 2005 to allow groundbreaking to take place in the summer of 2006 and completion of the project in 2008. Preliminary plans show a facility of approximately 160,000 gross square feet with a concentration of research and associated space.  The NBACC will support approximately 120 staff.

The NBACC facility will be made up of two centers, the Biological Threat Characterization Center (BTCC) and the National Bioforensic Analysis Center (NBFAC).  The BTCC is charged with defining the characteristics of biothreat agents and conducting rigorous biodefense risk assessments in order to guide national biodefense research, development, and acquisition efforts, and to provide scientific support to the intelligence community. The NBFAC is the lead federal facility for conducting and facilitating the technical forensic analysis and interpretation of materials recovered following a biological attack to support the appropriate lead federal agency.

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Science and Technology division serves as the primary research and development arm of the Department, utilizing our nation’s scientific and technological resources to provide federal, state and local officials with the technology and capabilities to protect the homeland.


This page was last reviewed/modified on 02/02/05 00:00:00.