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December 16, 2006

Statement by U.S. Secretary of Energy Samuel W. Bodman on Reaching Agreement on Civilian Nuclear Energy with China

I am very pleased to announce that the United States and the People's Republic of China have today reached an agreement on civilian nuclear energy that represents a major step forward in our relations and that will advance our bilateral trade relationship and the energy security of both our nations.

China has agreed to purchase four new nuclear reactors for the Westinghouse Electric Company.  This represents a multi-billion dollar commitment by the Chinese that should create some 5,500 jobs in the United States.  And Westinghouse has agreed to transfer technology to the Chinese that could lead to the construction of many more nuclear reactors in China over the next 15 to 20 years.

The United States government has agreed to support the transfer of this civilian nuclear technology to the Chinese consistent with both our nations' past commitments to nuclear nonproliferation, and existing U.S. laws and regulations.

The design that the Chinese have selected - the AP1000 pressurized water reactor - was developed with the help of funding provided by the Department of Energy and won full and final design certification from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission last year.

This is one of the most advanced and efficient nuclear reactor designs now available.  It includes design features that will make these reactors simpler to build and maintain than previous generations of nuclear power plants, yet just as safe.

This agreement is good for the people of China, and good for the people of the United States.  It demonstrates that enhanced cooperation can yield benefits to both nations and advance our mutual goals of energy security and improved environmental stewardship.

I would also note that this agreement will bring benefits to Japan and South Korea through existing commercial relationships.

It is my hope that this very serious commitment by the Chinese government will help persuade the nuclear power industry in the U.S. that now is the time to commit to building new nuclear power plants in our country to expand our own sources of clean, emissions-free electric power and further diversify our energy portfolio.

I'd like to congratulate the government of the People's Republic of China and Westinghouse for this historic agreement.  And I would like to thank my colleagues U.S. Secretary of State Rice, U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gutierrez, who could not be here today, as well as Ambassador Randt and our respective staffs for their critical contributions.

Thank you very much.

Beijing, China

Media contact(s):
Secretary Bodman's Statement on Reaching Agreement on Civilian Nuclear Energy with China on December 16, 2006 in Beijing, China.


Link: The White House Link: USA.gov Link: E-gov Link: Information Quality (IQ) Link: Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
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