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The USACE prepared the Trinity River and Tributaries Regional Environmental Impact Statement (TREIS) because "...individually or cumulatively, these projects [development projects in the Upper Trinity River watershed] were felt to have the potential to compromise the existing protection afforded to flood plain residents, because of perceived impacts to wetlands and other natural resources, and because of competing public demands for other uses of the river channel and flood plain, the District Engineer determined that it was necessary to develop a regional perspective in order to properly evaluate the impacts of individual permit decisions in accordance with the spirit and intent of  National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and other applicable laws.  In the Record of Decision (ROD) for the EIS the USACE established strict criteria to be met for Standard Individual Permts.  These criteria have been extended to Nationwide General Permits through a Regional Condition.  In response to the TREIS and ROD, the cities and counties in the Trinity River corridor formed the Trinity River Steering Committee, facilitated by the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG).  The result was the establishment of the Corridor Development Certificate (CDC) Process.