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Obama announces Kaine as new DNC Chair

President-elect Barack Obama today announced Virginia Governor Tim Kaine as his choice to be the new chair of the Democratic National Committee. read more...

Sen. Daschle calls for “paradigm shift” during confirmation hearing

Health and Human Services Secretary-designate Tom Daschle appeared before a Senate confirmation hearing this morning and called for bold changes in the way Americans and their government think about health care. read more...

Dramatic action (Update: Photos)

"The time has come to build a 21st century economy in which hard work and responsibility are once again rewarded," President-elect Obama said in a speech this morning, making the case for urgent action on an American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan. read more...

Presidents past, present, and future

President-elect Barack Obama met at the White House today with President George W. Bush and former Presidents Jimmy Carter, George H. W. Bush, and Bill Clinton.  read more...

“New and more efficient ways of getting the job done”

President-elect Obama today announced the creation of a new White House position, Chief Performance Officer, and his intention to nominate Nancy Killefer to fill the post. read more...

No earmarks

In a meeting with members of his economic and budget teams, President-elect Obama said that he will ban earmarks from his proposed major economic stimulus package. read more...

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GSA Transition Directory

The Transition Directory was developed to introduce members of the Transition and the incoming Administration to the Federal government resources available to them.