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2000-2001 Pacifica, Vol. 2

The Pacifica is a publication of news and events from the Department of Defense Schools in the Pacific Area.

Featured are articles and photographs from schools in Guam, Japan, Korea, and Okinawa that display and celebrate some of the exciting activities that have occurred since last spring.

Please contact your local District Superintendent’s Office for more information. The following features are taken from the SY 2000–2001, Volume 2 issue.

Photo of Pacifica Cover

Photo of Girl Making a Shelf

Photo of Yokota High School's Saber Team

Photo of Students Measuring Data


Building a shelf with the only
instruction from a piece of paper.
Cutting, sanding, waxing, painting and measuring the
wood all on her own.


The Yokota High Schools Saber
Team stand at attention before
the Yokota homecoming game.


Students investigated, collected
data, interpreted data, and developed a formula on how far a rubber band traveled when stretched at various tensions.


A University of Guam Experiment Station study trip coincided with the science unit Living Things Grow and Change. Students learned about plant and fish growth, and how fish waste can be used to promote plant growth.

Photo of Students on Study Trip


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Last Updated: September 2, 2008
2001-2002 Vol 1  Vol 2
2000-2001 Vol 1  Vol 2
1999-2000 Vol 1  Vol 2

Take part in the

DoDDS Pacific Literacy Project: a three-tiered approach to providing reading instruction so that all children will be successful
Pacifica, SY 2005-2006:
a spotlight on people, places, and programs in DoDDS Pacific