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Advanced Degree Program in Integrated Water Resources Management
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Participating Universities


Johns Hopkins University

Program Description | Core Courses | Elective Courses  
             Online Courses  |  Application |  Costs

Program Description

The Professional Program in Water Resources Planning is open to students with undergraduate degrees in engineering or science. It is anticipated that applicants will also possess substantial professional experience in a water resource-related field. Admission is competitive, and standards are comparable to those applied to other Master’s degree programs within Johns Hopkins University's School of Engineering. However, the Graduate Record Examination is not required for admission. Instead, evidence of professional experience may be submitted. Applicants are individually considered. In most cases, they will be expected to (1) have a grade point average of 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale in the second half of their undergraduate record or hold a graduate degree in a relevant discipline and (2) have successfully completed a one year college-level calculus sequence .

A Master’s degree in water resources planning requires satisfactory completion of 10 courses. With permission of the advisor, up to two relevant courses can be transferred from other institutions. The academic program has two parts:

The Semester-in-Residence -- Every student will begin by spending the Fall term in residence at the Homewood Campus of the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore , Maryland , as a full-time degree candidate in the Department of Geography and Environmental Engineering (DoGEE). It is expected that all students will complete at least 5 courses (minimum 15 credits of full-time courses) during this semester.

The Part-Time Program -- It is anticipated that most students will complete the degree through the School's Engineering Programs for Professionals (EPP), either through on-line courses or, for those students in the Baltimore-Washington area, conventional courses at the University’s various academic centers. It should be noted that the Schools full-time (DoGEE) and part-time (EPP) programs are tightly integrated, with comparable curricula, courses, and standards of instruction.

The All-Distance-Learning Option – As an alternative to the hybrid full-time/part-time program described above, it is possible to complete all courses as a part-time student. Since the core courses and many of the electives will be available online, students who are located outside of the Baltimore-Washington area may utilize the all-distance-learning elective, taking all ten courses online.

Applicants for the full-time/part-time program must first be accepted by DoGEE as full-time Master's students. Upon completion of the semester-in-residence, they will then be transferred to the part-time program (EPP). In most cases, it will be possible for a student to complete the Master’s degree program within 12-15 months. Graduates of this program will receive the Master of Science in Environmental Planning and Management degree.

Applications for the all-distance-learning option must be accepted as part-time graduate students by EPP. Graduates of this program will also receive the Master of Science in Environmental Planning and Management degree.

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Revised 1 Dec 2007


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