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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data



            [Selections. English. 2001]

            Alfarabi’s philosophy of Plato and Aristotle / translated, with an introduction, by

          Muhsin Mahdi ; with a foreword by Charles E. Butterworth and Thomas L. Pangle.

          – Rev. ed.

               p. cm. – (Agora editions)

            Originally published: New York : Free Press of Glencoe, c1962.

            Includes bibliographical references and index.

            Contents: The attainment of happiness – The philosophy of Plato, its parts, the

          ranks of order of its parts, from the beginning to the end – The philosophy of Aristotle,

          the parts of his philosophy, the ranks of order of its parts, the position from which he

          started and the one he reached.

            ISBN 0-8014-8716-1 (pbk.)

            1. Happiness.  2. Plato–Contributions in concept of happiness.  3. Aristotle–Contri-

          butions in concept of happiness.  4. Philosophy, Ancient.    I. Mahdi, Muhsin.

          II. Title.  III. Title: Philosophy of Plato and Aristotle.  IV. Series: Agora editions

          (Cornell University Press)

          B753.F33.A25 2001





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