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Creating a Pandemic Preparedness Movement Fact Sheet

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The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is launching a national pandemic preparedness campaign to encourage Americans to prepare now for an influenza pandemic.  Government alone can’t prepare the nation for a pandemic; this challenge requires leadership from those individuals who are most trusted and respected in their communities to encourage and support their constituents in this effort.

Throughout the course of the campaign, HHS will engage influential leaders from the business, faith-based, civic and health care sectors and help them confidently spread the word about the critical need for individual preparedness. Through partnerships with these sector leaders, the campaign will provide information, tools, and support to help people across the country take steps to prepare.

Leadership is essential in encouraging people to prepare now for a pandemic.  The threat of an influenza pandemic is real, and preparing now can save lives later.  As a leader, you have a unique and powerful role in your community, and there are specific ways that you can help others prepare.  You can help inform Americans that the threat of influenza pandemic is real -- and that it’s not a question of if, but when.  Americans need to be informed by their leaders to be ready to take care of themselves and their family, learn the safe way to perform good hygiene practices, and stock up on critical supplies to make it easier to stay home during a pandemic.

In the 20th century, three influenza pandemics were responsible for more than 50 million deaths worldwide and almost a million deaths in the United States. As the first generation with the opportunity to prepare in advance of a pandemic, it is essential that we prepare ahead of time and that time is now .

For more information on the campaign and how to get involved, visit