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Terrorist Tactics Print E-mail
Tuesday, 15 July 2008


Iraqi guerilla attacks against Mulit-National Force - Iraq, Iraqi government and commercial targets typically take the following forms:

  • Attacks on convoys and patrols using improvised explosive devices
  • Ambushes on Coalition forces with small arms and/or rocket propelled grenade fire and hit-and-run mortar strikes on Iraqi government, Iraqi security forces, and MNF-I bases are also common.
  • Sabotage of oil pipelines and other infrastructure is another tactic often used
  • Assassination of Iraqis cooperating with the Coalition forces and Iraqi government
  • Suicide bombings targeting international organizations, Coalition forces, Iraqi police, hotels, etc.
  • Kidnapping and murder of private contractors working in Iraq for Iraqi government, MNF-I, or for commercial entities.
  • Kidnapping private Iraqi citizens as a fundraising tactic.

Improvised Explosive Devices

The majority of insurgent attacks come in the form of IEDs targetting Iraqi and Coalition convoys and patrols. Most IEDs are made from leftover munitions and foreign explosive materials which are often hastily put together. Vehicle borne IEDs, VBIEDs, are devices that use a vehicle as the package or container of the device. These IEDs come in all shapes and sizes, from small sedans to large cargo trucks. There have even been instances of what appeared to be generators, donkey-drawn cards, and ambulances used to attempt attacks on Coalition forces and the new Iraqi government.

The Internet and Psychological Warfare

Terrorism has often been conceptualized as a form of psychological warfare, and terrorists have certainly sought to wage such a campaign through the Internet. There are several ways for terrorists to do so. They can use the Internet to spread disinformation, to deliver threats intended to instill fear and helplessness, and to disseminate horrific images of recent actions, such as beheadings of foreign hostages in Iraq. The insurgents and terrorists in Iraq wage battles with traditional guerilla means as well as by employing psychological warfare on the Internet. Many terrorist groups use message boards, online chat, and religious justifications for their activities. Sites also often provide histories of their host organizations and activities.