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Contracting Opportunities

The Baltimore District provides many business opportunities for individuals and firms, such as small disadvantaged and small women-owned businesses, in the civilian community through our engineering and construction management work.

We do construction of new buildings, renovations, alterations and repairs, large and small, and work in partnership with architect/engineer groups from the private sector on these projects. Our work on the Korean War Memorial, renovation of the General Accounting Office, and construction of the HQ Complex at Fort Belvoir, VA, and the Defense Information School at Fort Meade, MD, are just a few examples of opportunities.

We work with local sponsors in the design and construction of flood control projects, which provide contract work for many local companies. And, our cleanup work at formerly used defense sites and EPA Superfund projects means contract work in the areas of hazardous waste cleanup and ordnance removal.

The Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District, is rich in engineering and scientific talent, and will continue to provide partnering opportunities now and in the future.

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