Bulletin reports on field test kits for environmental sampling   Archived

A field test kit is used to determine the presence of explosives in a soil sample.  (Courtesy Photo)
A field test kit is used to determine the presence of explosives in a soil sample. (Courtesy Photo)

Sep. 29, 2008

By Giselle Rodriguez
Engineer Research and Development
Center - Construction Engineering Research Laboratory

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers issued a new Public Works Technical Bulletin titled "An Evaluation of Field Test Kits for Environmental Sampling." 
This bulletin identifies some field test kits available on the market and their effectiveness in identifying environmental contaminants.
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), heavy metals, petroleum, oils and lubricants (POL) and explosives are common contaminants Armywide. Quick decisions are often necessary in scoping an environmental emergency and determining an appropriate response. In addition, screening a large area (or large number of items) requires efficient tools.
Commercially available field test technologies are often the best alternative for providing the user with a quick response. Potential uses include spill response, screening of recycling scrap or waste building materials, compliance, long-term monitoring and pre-screening of contaminated areas to determine future actions.   
Modern technical approaches, such as the Triad for characterization and remediation of hazardous waste sites, encourage the use of real-time measurement technologies, including field analytical instrumentation. Some of the benefits of this modern approach are accelerated project schedules, cost reduction and improvement of project results.
This PWTB describes the most commonly used field testing technologies and instruments based on these technologies.  Army examples where implementation of field testing technologies has saved operational costs and project time also are presented.
PWTB 200-1-61 can be downloaded from the PWTB page of the Whole Building Design Guide - Construction Criteria Base, http://www.wbdg.org/ccb/ARMYCOE/PWTB/pwtb_200_1_61.pdf


Added on 09/29/2008 01:29 PM
Updated on 12/22/2008 08:21 AM

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