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Inspections and Evaluations Reports and Products

Information Report on the Assessment of DoD Support to the Iraqi Security Forces Inspector General (07/31/2008)
IE-2008-010 (1.43 MB)

DoD Guard & Reserves Safety Survey (06/12/2008)
IE-2008-009 (5.52 MB)

DoD Civilian Safety Survey (06/12/2008)
IE-2008-008 (5.08 MB)

DoD Active Duty Safety Survey (06/12/2008)
IE-2008-007 (3.50 MB)

DoD Senior Leader Safety Survey (06/12/2008)
IE-2008-006 (2.99 MB)

DoD/VA Care Transition Process for Service Members Injured in OIF/OEF (06/12/2008)
IE-2008-005 (1.4 MB)

DoD Assessment of Contracting With Blind Vendors and Employers of Persons Who Are Blind or Have Other Severe Disabilities (04/15/2008)
IE-2008-004 (6.9 MB)

Observations and Critique of the DoD Task Force on Mental Health (04/15/2008)
IE-2008-003 (9.1 MB)

2007 Evaluation of the Federal Voting Assistance Program in the Department
of Defense (03/31/2008)
IE-2008-002 (8.95 MB)

Review of the Investigative Documentation Associated with the Death of Army Corporal Stephen W. Castner in Iraq (01/04/2008)
IE-2008-001 (1.8 MB)

Safety and Occupational Health Accountability in DoD Individual Performance
Evaluation (09/28/2007)
IE 2007-006 (3.5 MB)

Interagency Assessment of the Counternarcotics Program in Afghanistan (07/2007)
IE-2007-005 (1 MB)

2006 Evaluation of the Federal Voting Assistance Program in the Department
of Defense (03/31/2007)
IE2007-004 (9.7 MB) View Summary Only

Report on Survey Regarding Post-Government Service Employment Restrictions (12/19/06)
IE-2007-003 (7.60MB)

Evaluation of DoD Efforts to Combat Trafficking in Persons (11/21/2006)
IE-2007-002 (12.9 MB)

Interagency DoD/DoS Assessment of Afghan National Police (11/2006)
IE-2007-001 (4 MB)

Evaluation of Defense Installation Vulnerability Assessments (05/23/2006)
IE-2006-002 (1.2 MB) View Summary Only

Evaluation of the Voting Assistance Program (04/05/2006)
IE-2006-001 (2.6 MB)

Evaluation of Support to Mobilized Army National Guard and U.S. Army Reserve Units
IE-2005-003 (2 MB) View Summary Only

Combined Forces Command-Afghanistan Management Decision Model
IE-2005-A004 (3.2 MB) View Summary Only

Interagency DoD-DOS IG Assessment of Iraqi Police Training
IE-2005-002 (2.8 MB) View Summary Only

Evaluation of the Voting Assistance Program
IE-2005-001 (2.7 MB) View Summary Only

Evaluation Report on the DoD Chaplain Program
IE2004-001 (1.9 MB) View Summary Only



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