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  Stakeholder Announcement

USDA's Centers for Epidemiology and Animal Health Implements Electronic Certificates of Veterinary Inspection to Safeguard Animal Health

Veterinary Services

October 22, 2003

The U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Centers for Epidemiology and Animal Health, a part of USDA's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service's (APHIS), Veterinary Services (VS) program, is working with six States on a pilot project that would allow state and federal animal health officials to have instantaneous access to information regarding livestock movements in and out of their state.

In the event of an animal disease emergency, this information is critical to determine the disposition of potentially exposed or infected livestock.

An electronic system of this nature would decrease the time needed to obtain animal disposition information from days to minutes.

Accredited veterinarians can voluntarily use the Web–based Interstate Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (ICVI) via the Internet.  An ICVI will be printed out to accompany the animal and the information will be transmitted electronically to the destination state.

By using an electronic Web–based application, accredited veterinarians, and state and federal animal health officials will be able to electronically produce, transmit, and obtain reports of interstate animal movement information.  This ability to electronically track the interstate movement of livestock is one of the tools supporting our Nation's combined efforts of industry and government to safeguard the health of the national herds via early detection of emerging diseases or significant livestock diseases, including foreign animal diseases.

This pilot project is Phase I implementation of an electronic ICVI.

This project uses the existing paper–based Interstate ICVI process as a framework.  This certificate is the standard ICVI approved by USAHA 5 years ago.

During the next several months, California, Colorado, Florida, North Carolina, Texas, and Wisconsin, in partnership with USDA, will implement the electronic ICVI in their states.  The ICVI software will be accessible at no cost from the USDA to the practitioners, as well as state and federal veterinarians.  State fees may apply, depending upon the state.

USDA purchased an 8–year license for an ICVI software application from GlobalVetLink, a provider of Internet applications.  USDA, via Communication Resource Inc, has contracted with GlobalVetLink to perform the Phase I implementation.

Phase I implementation, in addition to enabling the system for use in these states, will enable USDA to apply lessons–learned to the implementation of the electronic ICVI in the remaining states.

Note to Stakeholders: Stakeholder announcements and other APHIS information are available on the Internet. Access the APHIS home page by pointing your Web browser to http://www.aphis.usda.gov and clicking on the "News" button.

For additional information on this topic, contact Teresa Howes (970) 494-7410 or send an e-mail to teresa.k.howes@aphis.usda.gov.

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