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Industry Alert

Implementation of International Plant Protection Convention Standard for Wood Packaging Material

Plant Protection and Quarantine

July 2005

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) has amended the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) to incorporate the requirements of the International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPM): Guidelines for Regulating Wood Packaging Material (WPM) in International Trade (ISPM Publication No. 15). The new requirements, which are detailed at 7 CFR 319.40 were published in the September 16, 2004, Federal Register. These requirements will be enforced September 16, 2005. The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) approved the international standard for WPM in March 2002.

This standard requires WPM used in international trade to be treated. The approved treatments are (1) heat treatment to a minimum wood core temperature of 56 ºC for a minimum of 30 minutes or (2) fumigation with methyl bromide (MB). The WPM also must be marked with the IPPC logo (see example below).

WPM imported after September 16, 2005, without the IPPC mark must be reexported. Treatment or destruction of ISPM 15–noncompliant WPM will not be permitted.

WPM imported prior to September 16, 2005, must be in compliance with current import requirements or with ISPM No. 15. WPM imported without the IPPC logo will not be rejected prior to September 16, 2005. Imported WPM, however, does need to be bark free. Treatment, destruction, or reexport of imported WPM will be required if pests are found.

Until September 16, solid wood packing from China or Hong Kong must continue to meet current treatment and paperwork specifi cations or arrive with the IPPC mark. WPM properly marked with the IPPC logo will not require paperwork certifi cations. WPM made entirely of wood pieces less than 6 mm thick in any dimension, or made entirely of manufactured wood such as plywood, particleboard, or oriented strand board is exempt from the treatment and marking requirements. Other manufactured wood that is outside the scope of this regulation includes whiskey barrels, wood packing that serves as gift boxes (add value to the commodity and remain intact with the product to the end user), and crating associated with antiquities, such as art pieces or vintage wines. Determination for such predated materials will be based on the age of the antiquity or vintage of the wine. WPM of Canadian origin is exempt from the treatment and marking requirements (7 CFR 319.40-3)

Additional Information

For more information on the wood packaging material regulation, please visit this Web site: www.aphis.usda.gov/ppq/swp/import.html.

Example of the WPM logo:

Graphis image depicting an example of the WPM logo.

XX represents the International Standards Organization country.

000 represents the unique number assigned by the national plant protection organization to the treatment facility.

YY represents either HT for heat treatment or MB for methyl bromide fumigation.

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