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Title:  Pursuing Excellence: A Study of U.S. Twelfth-Grade Mathematics and Science Achievement in International Context
Description: The data associated with this third and final age cohort represents the culmination of an international study that has tested some 500,000 students in 41 countries. The report, the third volume in a series of three reports entitled, "Pursuing Excellence," allows us to see how U.S. students fare relative to their international counterparts in a test of general mathematics and science knowledge at the end of secondary schooling. It also lets us compare across countries those students who have taken advanced mathematics and science courses.
Online Availability:
Cover Date: February 1998
Web Release: February 24, 1998
Print Release: March 15, 1998
Publication #: NCES 98049
General Ordering Information
Center/Program: NCES
Authors: Sayuri Takahira, Patrick Gonzales, Mary Frase, and Laura Hersh Salganik
Type of Product: Statistical Analysis Report
Survey/Program Areas: International Comparisons of Education (ICE)
Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS)
Questions: For questions about the content of this Statistical Analysis Report, please contact:
Eugene H. Owen.
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