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Educators Corner  

Health and safety professionals play an essential role in helping to prevent bullying and to raise awareness about the issue of bullying. These professionals are trusted adults who interact with young people both in community and school environments. We wanted to provide a central location for health and safety professionals to be able to visit to gather helpful resources and information specific to their specialty.

In this Health & Safety Professionals Corner you will find:

  • information about bullying among children and youth;
  • strategies to help identify, prevent, and address bullying

What do we know about bullying?

What can health and safety professionals do?

How can health and safety professionals successfully promote bullying prevention and intervention?

What can mental health professionals do to help work with young people who are bullied?

What can mental health professionals do to help young people who bully others?

What do we know about bullying of children with disabilities and special needs?

Learn how pediatricians address the issue of bullying

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