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Multi-National Force - Iraq Major Units Print E-mail
Thursday, 18 December 2008

Multi-National Security Transition Command - Iraq
MNSTC-I, commonly called "min-sticky", is responsible for organizing, training, equipping and mentoring Iraqi Security Forces throughout the country.

Gulf Region Division, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
The Gulf Region Division is responsible for helping the Iraqi government rebuild the country's infrastructure.

Joint Base Balad
Joint Base Balad is home to the headquarters of the 332nd Air Expeditionary Wing and what was formerly Logistics Support Area Anaconda, the largest Army supply center in Iraq.  The U.S. Army’s 3rd Expeditionary Sustainment Command is responsible for providing logistics support throughout theater.  Balad is located approximately 40 miles north of Baghdad.

Multi-National Corps - Iraq
This is the Tactical Unit responsible for command and control of Operations in Iraq. Currently MNC-I is headquartered by the XVIII Airborne Corps forward deployed to Camp Victory, Baghdad. The following units report to MNC-Iraq:

Iraq is divided into five major areas of responsibility maintained by forces from 6 countries. Below are the units that cover these areas. When available a link has been provided to the unit's homepage on the Internet.

  • Multi-National Division - Baghdad
    MND-Baghdad is also known as Task Force Baghdad. Its major area of responsibility is the city of Baghdad. MND-Baghdad is headquartered by the 4th Infantry Division from Fort Hood, Texas.
  • Multi-National Division - North
    MND-North is also known as Task Force Lightning. Responsible for an area including the cities of Balad, Kirkuk, Tikrit, Mosul, and Samarra, MND-N is headquartered by the 25th Infantry Division from Schofield Barracks, Hawaii.
  • Multi-National Force - West
    MNF-W is headquartered by the U.S. II Marine Expeditionary Force. Their area of operations include the cities of Ar Ramadi and Fallujah.
  • Multi-National Division - Center
    Multi-National Division - Center, also known as Task Force Mountain, assists Iraqi Security Forces with security and stability missions in the area south of Baghdad ranging from Najaf to Wasit provinces. MND-Center is headquartered by the 10th Mountain Division (Light) from Fort Drum, New York.
  • Multi-National Division - South East
    MND-SE operates in the southern most part of Iraq, including the cities of Basrah, An Nasiriyah, Al Amarah. The division is headquartered by elements of the British and Australian militaries.