Systems & Software Engineering (SSE)

The Office of the Director, Systems and Software Engineering (SSE) is the focal point for all policy, practice, and procedural matters relating to Department of Defense systems and software engineering, and their key elements to include test and evaluation, technical risk management, software engineering, manufacturing and production, quality, and related disciplines.

Mission & Roles

SSE works to achieve increased acquisition program success through the use of sound systems engineering policy and practices.

Its roles and responsibilities include:

  • Shaping acquisition solutions and promoting early technology planning
  • Promoting the application of sound systems and software engineering, developmental test and evaluation, and related technical disciplines across the DoD's acquisition community and programs
  • Raising awareness of the importance of effective systems and software engineering, and driving the state-of-the-practice into program planning and execution
  • Establishing policy, guidance, best practices, education, and training in collaboration with academia, industry, and government communities
  • Providing technical insight to the leadership to support effective and efficient decision making


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Page Last Upated: January 5, 2009