Acquisition and Technology provides oversight and policy direction for the Department of Defense's acquisition processes, developmental testing, industrial base, contracting, small business programs and systems and software engineering.

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A&T Message

A&T Message is Shared at Conferences Throughout the Week

This past week has offered A&T a number of opportunities to reach out to the public and share our hard work and the benefits that work has brought to the DoD. On December 9, I was given the chance to offer the keynote address on behalf of the Joint Forces Integration of Joint Advanced Concepts (JAC) for the 3rd Annual System of Systems Conference. The focus of the address was on "System of Systems in the Tactical Domain" issues and the Departments efforts to mitigate them. The conference was held in Gaithersburg, Md. and our attendance was well received by all at the event.

Our Small Business Program has been busy with a number of events this past week. On December 10, Mr. Micheal Caccuttio, OSBP Assistant Director and Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program Manager, led a group of DoD personnel representing five DoD components including the Army, Navy, Air Force, CBD and DLA at the Southeast Region DoD SBIR/STTR Symposium. The teams made presentations on their respective SBIR programs to high-tech firms from around the country who are interested in doing business with the Department through the SBIR Program. One-on-one meetings were also provided to those same firms.

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Page Last Upated: January 5, 2009