environmental benefits


The Corps undertakes numerous water supply studies each year designed to protect and restore the environment. Many of these efforts involve improving fish and wildlife habitats by reallocating water supplies or revising dam operating plans.

For instance, on rivers that experience periods of low natural water flow, the Corps can temporarily store water in its reservoirs and selectively release it to increase flow, significantly improving habitats and enhancing overall water quality. The Corps currently has 89 environmental storage projects underway to prevent extremely low river flows.

The Corps also has a number of other ongoing water studies aimed at improving environmental conditions. One example is a water supply analysis being conducted on the Snake River in Idaho. The study is designed to improve endangered Chinook and sockeye salmon runs.

Environmental considerations are a top priority for all of the Corps water supply projects. The Corps always carefully evaluates ways to minimize any negative environmental impact and to maximize the environmental benefits of every activity.


reviewed 10/31/05

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