Harmony and Disharmony:
Exploiting Al-Qa'ida's Organizational Vulnerabilities

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Doc ID:           AFGP-2002-600053 (Letter One)
Date:               Mid 1990s
Author:            “Your Uncle”
Length:            32 pages
Title:               The Five Letters to the African Corps I
Full Text:        English Arabic

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Synopsis: This letter is addressed to “Dear Brother Saif” and signed by “Your Uncle.” The author has prepared a lengthy response to issues raised in two previous letters (not included in this collection) sent by Saif from Somalia where he is in charge of Al-Qa’ida activity. Uncle gives frank observations about the prospects for jihad in Somalia.

Key Themes: Uncle believes that Somalia is not ready for classic jihad and that Al-Qa’ida will not be able to find an ally with an identical intellectual force. The goal is to expel crusader forces from Somalia even if a semi-Islamic, semi-democratic government were to gain power.

Saif is warned that the Somali movement he is working with is in danger of isolating itself from the masses, and if the masses become suspicious of a movement it has no prospect for success.

The U.S. invasion of Somalia presents Saif with a golden opportunity to strike at the “bald eagle” now that it has landed unexpectedly in his sights.

Flexibility is required. If Al-Qa’ida could work with Sayyaf, Hikmatyar, and Burhan to achieve it purposes in Afghanistan, then Saif can work with Aideed, Mahdi, and Kharteet in Somalia. The Somali leadership, however, must be bolstered since they have even less manhood than Saddam Hussein and Arafat.

Uncle proposes a 5 point strategy to unite Somali forces and create an Islamic national front:

1.     Expulsion of the foreign international presence.

2.     Rebuilding of state institutions.

3.     Establishment of domestic security.

4.     Comprehensive national reconciliation.

5.     Economic reform and combating famine.

The message ends with encouragement to persevere through financial difficulties and act according to the traditions “of our noble Messenger.” Uncle cites God feeding Quraysh and the great Badr raid as examples of victories that come through the “confident belief that God will grant victory.”

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