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January 06, 2009

Si señor!

¿Habla Español? You can now get information in Spanish about the Museum—what to see, how to get here, and what to do! In an effort to reach out to our ever-growing number of Spanish-speaking visitors the museum has created a Web page En Español that provides information—in Spanish—about museum hours, programs, exhibitions, amenities, safety, and security.

Espanol Spanish translations of several major exhibitions such as the The Gettysburg AddressThe Star Spangled BannerThe American Presidency, and First Ladies at the Smithsonian are also available as easy-to-download PDF files.

Help us spread the word about these resources among your Spanish speaking neighbors and friends.

Para informacion en español, visite En Español.

Magdalena Mieri is director of the museum’s Program in Latino History and Culture.


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