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Joint Electoral Management Body
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2004 Presidential  Election
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The 2005 National Assembly and Provincial Council Elections represent enormous achievements for Afghanistan. Millions of voters across the country exercised their democratic rights to elect legitimate representatives to institutions that will govern the country at national and provincial level for the coming years. The elections were the first parliamentary elections in Afghanistan in decades and importantly, they mark the end of the transitional period and the birth of a fully self-governed country.

While elections alone do not guarantee democracy, the electoral processes over the last two years do build a strong foundation for the future of a democratic country. The work of the Joint Electoral Management Body (JEMB) concluded in Afghanistan with the certification of the final results for the Meshrano Jirga elections and it is with confidence that the JEMB hands over now to the Independent Election Commission of Afghanistan and its Secretariat.

Post-conflict elections are difficult in both political and operational terms, but there can be little doubt that this years elections were challenging even by post-conflict standards. The 2005 elections stand as a testament to the dedication of the electoral staff. This event will be historic for many reasons, but the memories of working together for a better future will be everlasting.

Although the JEMB has concluded its mandate, this website will remain open for research purposes for the coming years.


To view JEMB Certified Results from the Wolesi Jirga & Provincial Council Elections, please click here.

To See Election Day & Election Related Photos, Please click here.

The JEMB Final Report

Please find the JEMB Final Report here

Media Commission Final Report

The Media Commission is the first successful experience of media regulation in post-Taliban era Afghanistan.

To read the Media Commissions final report, please Click Here.


Election Overview

To view a colorful and informative overall summary of the 2005 Wolesi Jirga and Provincial Council Election Process, please click here.

JEMB Procedures and Reports

JEMB Procedures and Reports are available for reference purposes.



Copyright ) 2005 - Wolesi Jirga & Provincial Council Elections - Joint Electoral Management Body