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Texas Water Science Center

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USGS Texas Publications - South Central Texas

Availability and Ordering information.
  • Fahlquist, Lynne, and Ardis, A.F., 2004, Quality of Water in the Trinity and Edwards Aquifers, South-Central Texas, 1996-98: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2004-5201, 24 p.
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  • Ging, P.B., and Otero, C.L., 2003, Comparison of Temperature, Specific Conductance, pH, and Dissolved Oxygen at Selected Basic Fixed Sites in South-Central Texas, 1996–98: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 03–087, 18 p.
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  • Bush, P.W., Ardis, A.F., Fahlquist, Lynne, Ging, P.B., Hornig, C.E., Lanning-Rush, Jennifer, 2000, Water quality in south-central Texas, Texas, 1996–98: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1212, 32 p., 1 app.
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  • Ging, P.B., 1999, Water-quality assessment of south-central Texas—Comparison of water quality in surface-water samples collected manually and by automated samplers: U.S. Geolgocial Survey Fact Sheet FS–172–99, 6 p.
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  • Ging, P.B., 1999, Quality of stormwater runoff from an urbanizing watershed and a rangeland watershed in the Edwards aquifer recharge zone, Bexar and Uvalde Counties, Texas, 1966–98: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 99–245, 2 p.
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  • Ging, P.B., 1999, Water-quality assessment of south-central Texas—Descriptions and comparisons of nutrients, pesticides, and volatile organic compounds at three intensive fixed sites, 1996–98: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 99–4155, 24 p.
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  • Ging, P.B., Van Metre, P.C., and Callender, Edward, 1999, Bottom sediments of Lorence Creek Lake, San Antonio, Texas, reflect contaminant trends in an urbanizing watershed: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet FS–149–99, 4 p.
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  • Ourso, R.T., and Hornig, C.E., 1999, Stream and aquifer biology of south-central Texas—A literature review, 1973–97: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 99–243, 40 p.
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  • Cederberg, J.R., Ging, P.B., and Ourso, R.T., 1998, Monitoring of selected water-quality constituents near the freshwater/saline-water interface of the Edwards aquifer, July 1996–December 1997: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet FS–103–98, 4 p.
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  • Fahlquist, Lynne, and Slattery, R.N., 1997, Water Quality Assessment of the Comal Springs riverine system, New Braunfels, Texas, 1993–94: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet FS–099–97, 6 p.
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  • Ging, P.B., Judd, L.J., and Wynn, K.H., 1997, Water–quality assessment of south-central Texas—occurrence and distribution of volatile organic compounds in surface water and ground water, 1983–94, and implications for future monitoring: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 97–4028, 20 p.
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  • Slattery, R.N., and Fahlquist, Lynne, 1997, Water-quality summary of the San Marcos Springs riverine system, San Marcos, Texas, July–August 1994: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet FS–059–97, 4 p.
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  • Bush, P.W., 1994, National Water-Quality Assessment Program—South-Central Texas: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet FS–94–048, 2 p.
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