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IWR Press Releases


Jerome Delli Priscoli speaks at Foreign Policy Series Event
December 12 , 2008 – Jerome Delli Priscoli was a featured speaker at the December 8, 2008 Foreign Policy Series Event "Water Politics and Implications for Security in the Middle East." The event was hosted by The World Affairs Council of Washington, DC.
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IWR’s Conflict Resolution and Public Participation Center Named Center of Expertise and Directory of Expertise
October 29, 2008 – The Conflict Resolution and Public Participation Center (CPC) at IWR has been named the latest Center of Expertise and Directory of Expertise. It will support training and outreach programs and provide consultation and technical assistance across USACE. It will also maintain a directory of USACE and external experts and techniques in environmental conflict resolution and alternative dispute resolution. The CPC is consistent with IWR’s focus on collaborative planning and public participation, such as Shared Vision Planning (SVP) and Computer-Aided Dispute Resolution (CADRe) techniques.
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UCOWR’s Latest Journal Features Work of IWR Economists and Scientists
October 6, 2008 – The Universities Council on Water Resources (UCOWR) has published the latest issue of its Journal of Contemporary Water Research and Education (JCWRE). The issue’s title is “Complexity and Uncertainty in Water Resources Management.” The articles discuss topics such as risk analysis, working with uncertainty in the modeling process, and communicating uncertainty pertaining to climate change. A number of IWR scientists and economists contributed to the studies in the September issue.
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New Visiting Scholar Report Addresses the Energy–Water Nexus...and Why the Corps Should Care
September 5, 2008 – "Energy–Water Nexus. Why Should the Corps Care?", written by Dr. Alexey Voinov, is the newest publication in the Visiting Scholar Report series. In the paper, Dr. Voinov makes the case that by providing expertise and technology for integrated water resources management the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is uniquely placed to recognize energy/water interactions and to contribute to demand reduction efforts.
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Dr. Michael Deegan Joins IWR as new National Research Council (NRC) Research Associateship Fellow
August 29, 2008 – Dr. Deegan joins IWR as the newest NRC Research Associateship visiting scholar. He will be working with IWR’s National Flood Risk Management Program team.
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Presidential Management Fellow Maria Placht to Work with Conflict Resolution and Public Participation Center
August 28, 2008 – Maria Placht joins IWR to work with Hal Cardwell to develop IWR's new Conflict Resolution and Public Participation Center (CPC).
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IWR's New Conflict Resolution and Public Participation Center Launches" Public Involvement in Flood Risk Management" Initiative
August 22, 2008 – IWR's new Conflict Resolution and Public Participation Center (CPC) held a framework meeting for the first phase of a multi-year initiative to develop improved frameworks and methods to encourage public involvement in selecting the appropriate flood risk management plan.
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ICIWaRM Center Endorsed at the UNESCO International Hydrological Programme (IHP) Intergovernmental Council Meeting in Paris
July 1, 2008 – USACE IWR’s International Center for Integrated Water Resources Management (ICIWaRM) was endorsed by the UNESCO International Hydrological Programme (IHP) Intergovernmental Council at its recent bi-annual meeting in Paris, France. IWR Director Robert A. Pietrowsky and International Water Resources Specialist Eugene Z. Stakhiv were part of a delegation of U.S. Government members who attended the meeting. ICIWaRM will serve as a USACE and U.S. Government knowledge center for transferring new ideas, science and technology developed both in the U.S. and through the various IHP programs and initiatives, integrating them with current “best management practices” for integrated water resources management (IWRM).
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Colorado Water Supply Stakeholders Agree to Shared Vision Planning Study
June 23, 2008 IWR's Shared Vision Planning (SVP) team concluded a recent workshop with a decision by cities and stakeholders to conduct an eighteen-month Shared Vision Planning study, pending approval of a detailed scope of work.
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PIANC USA Delegation Attends International Navigation Seminar in China
June 16, 2008 A delegation of PIANC USA members, including The Honorable John Paul Woodley, Jr., Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works), Major General Don T. Riley, Director of Civil Works, USACE, and IWR's Anne Cann and David Grier, attended the Annual General Assembly and International Navigation Seminar May 25-30, 2008, in Beijing, Peoples Republic of China.
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IWR Plans and Participates in Flood Symposium
May 30, 2008 – IWR played a major role in the recent 4th International Symposium on Flood Defence held in Toronto on May 6-8, 2008.  The Honorable John Paul Woodley, Jr., Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works) gave the U.S. welcome. IWR’s Dr. Paul Bourget served as co-chair. Representatives from over 30 countries met to discuss risk and reliability measures. 
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IWR and Civil Works Headquarters Sponsor Regulatory Executive Seminar
May 7, 2008 – IWR recently supported the annual Regulatory Executive Seminar, sponsored by the Headquarters Chief of the Regulatory Program. The Seminar introduces new Division and District Commanders to the Corps Regulatory Program.
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IWR and PIANC–U.S. Participate in OAS Port Security Conference
April 28, 2008 – Representatives from IWR and PIANC-U.S. participated in the recent Third Hemispheric Conference on Port Security, conducted by the Organization of American States (OAS). The conference highlighted challenges in implementing necessary port security features while also sustaining economically competitive port operations.
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IWR Hosts USACE-USGS Quarterly Meeting, Attends Subcommittee on Water Availability and Quality Meeting
April 25, 2008 – IWR hosted the quarterly meeting between USACE and the U.S. Geological Survey on March 26,2008. IWR team members also attended the Subcommittee on Water Availability and Quality. Topics of discussion at the two meetings included stream gauging, climate change, and water demand and availability.
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IWR Briefs the International Joint Commission on the International Upper Great Lakes Study
April 23, 2008 – IWR’s Eugene Stakhiv, PhD and Anthony Eberhardt, PhD, along with their Canadian counterparts, briefed the International Joint Commission (IJC) in Washington, D.C. in April about the activities of the International Upper Great Lakes Study. The IJC praised the Study team’s progress, especially considering the shortened timeframe of the first phase. During the past six months, substantial work has been underway. The new study is a subsequent study to the International Lake Ontario-St. Lawrence River Study, which employed a Shared Vision Planning approach.
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Jerry Delli Priscoli participates at African Ministerial Water Dialogue
April 14, 2008 – Jerry Delli Priscoli, PhD, represented the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the World Water Council at the recent 1st African Ministerial Water Dialogue in Tunis March 26-28, 2008.
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IWR Team Members on Assignment in Turkey for 5th World Water Forum
April 11, 2008 – IWR’s Lindy Wolner and Dr. Jerome Delli Priscoli travel to Istanbul to take part in 5th World Water Forum (WWF5) activities. Mr. Wolner is on assignment to the WWF5 Secretariat. Dr. Delli Priscoli is a member of the international steering committee for the Forum, as well as the political committee.
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Shared Vision Planning Topic of Editorial
April 8, 2008 – William Werick and Richard Palmer write an editorial in the January/February 2008 issue of ASCE’s Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management. In it, they make the case for the development of best practices for water resources planning. They discuss Shared Vision Planning and the Institute’s work underway to develop such best practices.
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IWR Teams Travels to Japan for 4th Meeting on Flood Control and Water Resources Management
March 21, 2008 – IWR Team members traveled to Tokyo, Japan 26-28 February for a meeting between USACE and the Japanese Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transportation and Tourism (MLIT). During the visit a 5-year extension of the USACE-MLIT partnering agreement was signed. During the meeting, members of the US and Japanese delegations presented papers reflecting current activities in four areas: Response to Global Climate Change, Management of Flood Risk, River Environment, and River Information Systems.
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IWR Hosts Committee on the Marine Transportation System Workshop
March 12, 2008 – IWR hosted a workshop for representatives of the interagency Committee on the Marine Transportation System (CMTS). The Committee was briefed about IWR and its background, mission, water resources activities, and navigation-related projects.
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Shoreline Protection Assessment Brochure Wins Award
March 11, 2008 – An educational brochure titled "How Beach Nourishment Projects Work" won a Bronze ADDY® Award in competition held on February 9, 2008. Produced as part of the Strategic Communications work under the Shore Protection Assessment initiative, IWR led the Strategic Communications effort.
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IWR Takes Part in Second Meeting of United Nations High Level Expert Panel on Water and Disasters in Seoul, Korea
March 7, 2008 – Mr. Steve Stockton, Dr. Jerome Delli Priscoli, and Andrew J. Bruzewicz attended the second meeting of the United Nations High Level Expert Panel on Water and Disasters in Seoul, Korea on 28-29 January 2008. Mr. Stockton, presented material on the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers emergency management international program (an effort led by Andrew Bruzewicz). Dr. Delli Priscoli facilitated a session tasked with developing potential actions for the Panel to consider.
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Dr. Stacy Langsdale Reports on “Climate Change: Science and Solutions" Conference
February 28, 2008 on January 16-18, 2008, Dr. Stacy Langsdale attended the National Council for Science and the Environment's (NCSE) conference “Climate Change: Science and Solutions” held in Washington, D.C. Dr. Langsdale reports that presenters noted that our nation is at a turning point. The primary focus is shifting away from doing research to understand the problem to that of identifying opportunities for mitigation and adaptation. 
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Dr. David Watkins Joins HEC as 2008 Leo R. Beard Scholar
January 18, 2008 Dr. David Watkins has joined the IWR Hydrologic Engineering Center as the Leo R. Beard Scholar for 2008. His work will focus on the next generation of the Corps risk analysis procedures for flood damage reduction, and he will also contribute to the development of the next generation of HEC’s Prescriptive Reservoir Model.
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revised 12 Dec 2008



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