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November 14, 2008

Smithsonian on Facebook, YouTube, iTunes

SITES has a fairly small staff by Smithsonian standards, about 50 hard-working souls. Needless to say, we can't physcially be everywhere, although we do try. Indeed, on any given day, we have staff members jetting to Idaho, Florida, Wyoming, California, Georgia, even Guam.

Web2.0 Web 2.0 has allowed us to be in even more places recently--all over the world in fact. (About 25% of our web traffic comes from outside the United States.)

And, we're still growing. In the last month, we've launched a YouTube channel and a new Facebook page. We've also been posting more and more podcasts on iTunes, giving museum visitors and the general public even better access to our traveling exhibitions. You can listen to baseball great Roberto Clemente; learn about muppet-creator Jim Henson's creative world, or hear the authentic sounds of letterpress print shop in Nashville, Tennessee. You can practically taste the stadium hot dogs, hear the laughter, and smell the freshly printed ink.

If you can't actually visit a SITES exhibition in person, there's no better way to experience the Smithsonian--on your own laptop, blackberry, or iPod. Check us out on these new platforms and become a fan!


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