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Physical Education Curriculum

The Department of Defense Dependents Schools (DoDDS) Pacific DDESS Guam Physical Education programs adhere to the Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) vision for physical education: students moving efficiently, enjoying physical activity, developing physical fitness, and pursuing wellness as part of lifelong learning.

The DoDDS Pacific/DDESS Guam Physical Education teachers (K – 12) attended training for the newly adopted Physical Education Curriculum in 2006-07.  The curriculum training included rigorous sessions on the newly adopted Physical Education materials and resources including; the new Physical Education Standards and standards analysis, the Physical Best program and text and the use of the new FITNESSGRAM program and software in the physical education programs at all grade levels.     

The materials provided for the Physical Education program are designed to educate, challenge, and encourage all children in the knowledge, skills and attitudes they need for a healthy and fit life. 

Physical education is taught in all elementary schools at all grade levels. In middle school, courses are offered as described in DoDEA Manual 2750.4 and each school publishes descriptions of courses available.


photo of sports equipment


All DoDEA high schools are now requiring 1.5 credits of PE for graduation. Students are required to take three one-half credit (0.5) semester courses: Personal Fitness (PEF 301), Lifetime Sports (PEL 301), and the new course, Physical Activity and Nutrition (PEN 301). The new PAN (PEN 301) course is now available to students, and will be required for graduation in 2008.  

The revised PE Content Standards are preceded by a set of complimentary Personal and Social Development Skills (PESK).  The PESK skills must be infused into the PE curriculum in order to help students meet and exceed the content standards.  

PESK1 Personal & Social Development Skills
PE1 Motor Skills & Movement Patterns
PE2 Physical Activity & Fitness

A complete view of the PE Standards can be found on the DoDEA web site.

The goal of the newly adopted physical education curriculum is to move students from dependence to independence and responsibility for their own health and fitness by promoting regular, enjoyable physical activity.




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Last Updated: September 2, 2008
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