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  Black Dot Image Civil Works Environment

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Gateway RSS Feeds
    RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is an XML-based format for sharing and distributing Web content. For the Gateway, it is a way for users to be kept up-to-date on their Desktop using a simple RSS Reader. The table below shows the current RSS Feeds available on the Gateway - all feeds will have direct links into the Gateway. This doesn't replace visiting the Gateway for information but rather a way to help you be in the know.

    There are many FREE readers available. You will need to download and install the reader onto your computer. Then follow the reader's instructions to ADD feeds to the reader.

    Microsoft provides a list of readers as well as more information about RSS. Click here for a Google search on RSS Readers.

    Steps to view Gateway Feeds
    1. Copy the URL of the title that interests you from the table below
    2. Paste the URL into your reader

    Internet Explorer 7 Users
    You may subscribe to the feed in the browser. Click the "Feeds" button then "Subscribe" to this feed.

    Current RSS Gateway Subscriptions:
    Title Copy URLs to RSS Reader
    Natural Resources Management Feeds
    Memos and Suspenses
    New Postings
    Week in Review - Generated every Sunday evening
    RECNet Discussion Forum
    E-SNet Discussion Forum
    Operations Feeds
    Operations Weekly Updates & Ops Chiefs Call Notes

Privacy and Security Notice
Updated: January 2009